How to Grow Gandhraj Flower | Gardenia Jasminoides Care

Last Updated: 11.03.2024

Want to grow one of the best flowers with a beautiful aroma and appealing beauty? Here’s How to Grow Gandhraj Flower easily.

Gandhraj Flower

Gandhraj flower is a highly fragrant flowering plant that belongs to the Apocynaceae family. It is commonly referred to as the “Crape Jasmine” or “Pinwheel Flower.” Here are some features and characteristics of this flower.

Gandhraj Flower Information

These flowers are small, delicate, and have a star-like shape. Each flower has five overlapping petals that are white or cream in color. The petals are narrow, elongated, and pointed, giving the Gandhraj flower a pinwheel-like appearance. The flowers typically measure around 2-3 centimeters in diameter.

The Gandhraj flower is an evergreen shrub that can reach a height of about 1.5-2.5 meters and has a spreading habit. It produces a dense cluster of glossy, dark green leaves that are leathery in texture. The leaves are arranged oppositely along the branches.

The Gandhraj flower blooms profusely during the warm months of the year, typically from late spring to early winter. The flowering period can vary slightly depending on the local climate and growing conditions.

Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides

The Gandhraj flower is known by various common names in different Indian languages:

Hindi: गंधराज (Gandharaj)
Bengali: গন্ধরাজ (Gandharaj)
Kannada: ಗಾಂಧರಾಜ (Gandharaja)
Tamil: கந்தராஜா (Gandharaja)
Telugu: గంధరాజ పువ్వు (Gandharaja puvvu)
Marathi: गंधराज (Gandharaj)
Malayalam: ഗന്ധരാജം (Gandharajam)
Gujarati: ગંધરાજ (Gandharaj)
Punjabi: ਗੰਧਰਾਜ (Gandharaj)

Have a glance at How to Grow Star Fruit Plant here

How to Grow Gandhraj Flower?


Growing Gandhraj flowers from seeds can be a rewarding experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to grow Gandhraj flower from seeds:

  • Obtain fresh Gandhraj flower seeds from a reliable source. You can also collect seeds from mature flowers by allowing the seed pods to dry and turn brown on the plant. Once dry, gently remove the seeds from the pods.
  • Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours to help soften the seed coat and improve germination. This step is optional but can enhance germination rates.
  • Sow the Gandhraj seeds on the surface of the potting mix. Lightly press the seeds into the soil, ensuring good seed-to-soil contact, but do not cover them with additional soil, as seeds require light for germination.
  • Place the seed trays or pots in a warm location with indirect sunlight. Maintain a temperature of around 21-27°C for optimal germination. Gandhraj seeds usually germinate within 2-4 weeks, but it can sometimes take longer, so be patient,
  • Once the seedlings have developed a few sets of true leaves and are large enough to handle, they can be transplanted into individual pots or a prepared garden bed. Handle the seedlings carefully to avoid damaging the delicate roots.
  • Gandhraj flower typically begin to bloom within 1-2 years from planting. Enjoy the beautiful and fragrant blossoms as they grace your garden.

Requirements to Grow Gandhraj Flower

Gandhraj Flower 2


These flowers thrive in full sunlight. They require at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily to promote healthy growth and abundant flowering. Place Gandhraj flower where they can receive ample sunlight throughout the day.


Gandhraj flower prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. A fertile soil mix with good drainage is ideal. You can create an appropriate soil mix by combining equal parts of garden soil, compost, and sand.


These flowers require regular watering to moisten the soil but not soggy. Water deeply, allowing the soil to absorb water to the root zone. Monitor the moisture level by checking the soil with your finger and water when the top inch of the soil feels slightly dry.


Gandhraj flower prefers warm temperatures and are best suited for tropical and subtropical regions. They thrive in temperatures between 21-32°C In cooler climates, they can be grown in containers and moved indoors during winter.

Gandhraj Flower Care


These flowers benefit from regular feeding with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. Apply a general-purpose fertilizer once every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Avoid using nitrogen-rich fertilizers, as they can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of flowering.


Pruning Gandhraj flower is not essential, but it can help maintain their shape and promote healthy growth. After flowering, you can prune any dead or damaged branches. Light pruning can also be done to control the size and shape of the plant.

Pests and Diseases

Gandhraj flower are generally resistant to pests and diseases. However, they can occasionally be affected by common garden pests such as aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. Regularly inspect the plants for any signs of infestation and take appropriate measures, such as spraying with insecticidal soap or using organic pest control methods, if necessary.

The plants resist most diseases, but overwatering or poor drainage can lead to root rot or fungal diseases. Ensure good air circulation around the plants and avoid excessive moisture in the soil to prevent such issues.

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