How to Grow Parijat Flower | Growing Night Flowering Jasmine

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Night Flowering Jasmine is one of the most intensely fragrant flowers you can grow in your garden! Here are all the details on How to Grow Parijat Flower in India.

How to Grow Parijat Flower 8

Night Flowering Jasmine is popular for its fragrant white flowers. As the name suggests, the plant blooms during the night and carries an intense fragrance. According to some mythological stories, the Parijat is called a heavenly tree that was brought to the earth by Lord Krishna. Let’s have a look at How to Grow Parijat Flower in India.

Check out the benefits of parijat leaves here

How to Grow Parijat Flower?

From Seeds

  • Purchase good quality seeds from a genuine seed supplier.
  • Fill a container with seed starter mix, and sow seeds at a depth of 2 cm.
  • Mist the soil and place it in bright, but indirect sunlight.
  • The seeds will germinate in 3-4 weeks.
  • Once, the seedling will bear 4-5 leaves, you can transplant the sapling into an ideal container.

From Cuttings

  • Snip off 6-8 inches long cutting, right below the node, from a healthy parijat plant.
  • Discard all the lower leaves except leaving a few at the top.
  • Plant it in a pot filled with well-draining, potting soil mix, and mist well.
  • Place at any place with bright, and indirect sunlight exposure.
  • The cutting will form roots in 3-4 weeks.

Tip: To save time, it is always a good idea to buy a well-grown plant from a nursery.

Growing Requirements of Parijat Flower


The more sunlight it gets, the better it will for its growth. Make sure the plant gets a minimum of 4-6 hours of direct sun every day.


Keep the soil moist all the time. The best way to do it is to touch the topsoil and water the plant when it feels a bit dry. Avoid wetting the leaves to avoid fungal issues.


Parijat prefers well-draining, moist, and aerated soil. You can go for a loamy to sandy soil that is well amended with organic matter. You can prepare a mix by blending equal parts of garden soil, coarse sand, and vermicompost or cow dung manure.

Parijat Flower Care



Fertilize the plant using organic feed like cow dung manure, and vermicompost. You can also feed the plant using a balanced fertilizer, once in 4-5 weeks. Besides, you can also add some neem khali to boost growth.


Prune the criss-cross, dead, and damaged branches from time to time to encourage growth. You can also prune the plant at early stages to give it the desired shape. The plant can grow up to an impressive height of 8-10 feet with a spread of 4-6 feet.

Pests and Diseases

The plant is pretty much safe from most of the pests. To keep diseases at bay, avoid overwatering. Also, do not make the foliage wet.

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