Parijat Leaves Benefits | Benefits of Night Jasmine Leaves

Last Updated: 18.10.2023
Utkarsh Shukla
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Utkarsh Shukla, a journalism student at IIMC, Delhi, is on a mission to share his passion for fitness and nature through gardening. With a deep family background in botany and over 200 gardening articles, he simplifies the science of plants. Utkarsh turns gardening into engaging and educational adventures, aiming to inspire a love for the natural world in his readers.

Apart from the mesmerizing fragrance, Night-Flowering Jasmine has medicinal properties too! Know all about Parijat Leaves Benefits here.

Parijat Leaves Benefits

Growing up to 20-30 feet tall, Night-Flowering Jasmine is famous for its tiny and fragrant white blossoms that open during night time. The green, lanceolate leaves of this tree have numerous medicinal properties and find uses in treating various ailments since ancient times. The flowers have four to five white petals that surround the orange tube. They open at night, and fall down as the dawn appears, forming the white icy carpet. Parijat plant flowering season is from August to December. Let’s have a look at Parijat Leaves Benefits.

Botanical Name: Nyctanthes arbor tristis

Other Names: Harsingaar, Night jasmine, Kalpvriksha, Coral Jasmine, Tree of Sorrow, Shelfali, Hengra Bubar, Shiuli

Check out our article on types of Jasmine flowers in India here

Indian Mythology Behind Parijat Tree

The tree has links with numerous legendary Hindu stories. According to mythology, the tree was a princess ‘Parijataka‘. She fell in love with the sun and revealed her love to him. But, on rejection, she couldn’t bear the agony and committed suicide. From her ashes, a tree grew in the form of the spirit of Parijakata. But, as she can not withstand the sight of his love ‘sun,’ therefore, she only flowers at night and sheds her flower in the morning as a sign of tears.

Benefits of Parijat Leaves

Parijat Leaves Benefits 2

The leaves of the tree have anti-viral, anti-fungal, antipyretic, anti-malarial, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant properties. Hence, making the leaves significantly useful in treating diverse illness and ailments.

1. Anti-Malarial Properties and Cures Fever

The leaves of this plant have anti-malaria properties and used to treat chronic and high-temperature fevers by traditional medicine practitioners. The crude extracted from the leaves helps in reliving malarial, chikungunya, and dengue fever. Since platelet counts decrease in dengue, its regular consumption also elevates the platelet count.

Note: Take one tablespoon of leaf extract powder and boil it with 2 cups of water, until it reduces to one cup. This ayurvedic solution is advised to consume for relieving chronic fever.

2. Good for Arthritis

The anti-inflammatory properties of leaves have been profoundly used by traditional ayurvedic and Unani practitioners to treat arthritis problems. According to a research, the leaves extract was prepared and tested on rats that showed promising acute and chronic anti-inflammatory actions.

Note: Boil the extract powder of Parijat in one cup of water. Consume it regularly for getting relief from arthritis pain.

3. Treats Dry Cough

Thanks to the antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties that its leaves extract finds extensive usage in treating dry cough.

Note: According to Indian Ayurveda, add 1-2 grams of leaf powder to 1-2 teaspoons of honey. Consume thrice a day to treat dry cough.

4. Reduces Asthma Symptoms

The leaves are not a cure for asthma, but these are very effective in reducing the symptoms of asthma. A study reveals that the ether extract from the leaves had better antihistaminic and antiallergic properties and can be used as a bronchodilator in the therapeutic treatment of asthma.

5. Treats Liver Ailments and Worms in the Stomach

The leaves of the plant have diaphoretic, and diuretic properties, hence helpful in treating ailments related to stomach, like roundworms in the stomach, liver disorders, and even loss of appetite in children. According to one study, a particular extract of its leaves is beneficial for liver ailment and be used as hepatoprotective.

Note: Ayurvedic treatment advises to take 5 ml of fresh leaves juice and mix with a gram of black pepper powder to treat the same.

6. Natural Laxative

Consuming fresh leaf juice works as a natural laxative and can treat bile, intestinal, and constipation problems. Moreover, the leaf juice works as an antidote to venom bite.

Note: Since the extracted juice from fresh leaves is very bitter in taste, a little sugar can be added.

7. Work As Anti-Aging

Its leaves have anti-oxidant properties that fight with free radicals. Thus, it reduces the damage by free radicals in the body, hence working as an anti-aging agent.

Note: For topical use, mix three parts of Jojoba oil with one part of parijat leaves extract or essential oil. You can apply this to the skin.

Bonus! Seeds and Flowers!

Apart from its leaves, other parts of this plant also have multiple medicinal properties. For example, the powdered seeds help getting rid of the fungal and lice infection, piles, and skin problems. Whereas its flower said to induce sedative effect, but there is no clinical evidence for the same. But, various Buddhist monks used its hot flower infusion as a potential sedative.

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