28 Flowers for Bees | Best Plants for Bees

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Bees are one of the most important pollinators on the planet, and if you’re someone who loves them, then you can grow Flowers for Bees to attract them!

Bees feed on the nectar and pollen of the flowers, which helps cross-pollination between the flowers by spreading the pollen from one to another. Here is the list of Flowers for Bees that will make them visit your garden daily!

Check Out the Best Yellow Flowers for Your Yard here!

List of Flowers for Bees

1. Sunflower / Surajmukhi


Botanical Name:Helianthus annuus

The central head of the sunflower lures the bees like none other. It’s wiser to grow a couple of sunflowers together, as bees collect nectars from flower to flower, causing cross-pollination between them. It is one of the Best Flowers for Bees.

Check Out Everything About How to Grow Sunflowers in Pots here!

2. Marigold / Genda


Botanical Name: Tagetes

There goes a big controversy regarding marigolds attracting or repelling bees. In reality, marigold repels some pests and attract beneficial pollinators like honeybees, thanks to their strong scent and rich nectar.

Here’s How to Grow Marigolds from Seeds in India!

3. Rose / GulabFlowers for Bees 2

Botanical Name: Rosa

Not all roses attract bees, but the ones with single petals do, as their tuft of stamens is quite visible. Rosa rugosa and Rosa bracteata are some of the best varieties.

Check Out Rose Flowering Guide here!

4. Lantana / Raimunia


Botanical Name: Lantana camara

One of the bees’ favorite flowers, Lantana, features a cluster of tiny flowers in an array of purple, yellow, white, and pink shades and attracts bees with sweet nectar, intoxicating scent, and appealing colors.

5. Lavender


Botanical Name: Lavandula

The mesmerizing fragrance of the lilac-hued lavender invites bees and flies even from miles away. Compared to other bees, bumblebees love lavender the most.

Check out 20 Violet Color Flowers in India here!

6. Dandelion / Dudhal


Botanical Name: Taraxacum

Bees and hoverflies love to feast upon this bee-friendly flower, as it is rich in nectar and pollen both. Since the flower is composed of numerous florets, it offers a huge source of pollens.

7. Hibiscus / Gudhal


Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Bees are fond of Hibiscus nectar as it is very sweet to make honey and hive. The trumpet-shaped flower appears in a wide color spectrum, ranging from lavender, red, and pink, to purple-blue.

Check Out How to Grow Hibiscus here!

8. Passionflower / Krishnakamal

Botanical Name: Passiflora

The bright and heavy pollen of passionflower attracts honeybees like anything! The showy, purple flower is admired for its exotic floral pattern that adds stunning visuals to the landscape too!

9. Snapdragon


Botanical Name: Antirrhinum

Bees are most susceptible to getting attracted by blue and yellow colors, making snapdragons one of their favorite. Apart from the color, snapdragon draws bees by releasing four times more fragrance than others.

Check Out How to Save Succulents from Bugs here!

10. Borage

Botanical Name: Borago officinalis

The addition of blue-violet borage in the garden makes it a paradise for honeybees and bumblebees. Moreover, borage has been grown to increase honey production for ages. It is one of the best flowers for bees. 

11. Arabian Jasmine / Mogra

shutterstock/Nataliia Fadieieva

Botanical Name: Jasminum sambac

The white-to-cream flowers, with waxy petals, are the pride of Indian gardens thanks to their delightful scent. Though it unfurls during nighttime, its fragrance invites certain bees and moths for pollination.

Learn How to Get Tons of Blooms in Mogra Plant here!

12. Monarda / Beebalm


Botanical Name: Monarda didyma

As the name hints, the fragrant bee balm is always accompanied by the hovering of bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. The daisy-like, open flower of Monarda has tubular and lacy petals that vary in color.

13. Butterfly Bush


Botanical Name: Buddleja

The slender panicles covered with vivid blooms draw butterflies and bees’ attention. Appearing in summer and spring, the bloom also appeals to the landscape through its wide color range of colors.

14. Salvia

Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis

The spikes of salvia bear nectar-rich purple blossoms that emit delightful fragrances to invite bumblebees, honeybees, native bees, and even wasps for pollination.

Check Out Best Smelling Fragrant Indoor Plants here!

15. Cosmos

Botanical Name: Cosmos bipinnatus

Showcasing a wide spectrum of colors, cosmos features lacy petals arranged in an open cup shape, making it easier for bees to spot pollen. Flowering throughout the summers, it invites bees and butterflies, both.

16. Sedum

Botanical Name: Hylotelephium spectabile

Thanks to its charming hues, and low growing tendency, it is mostly used as a ground cover. Autumn Joy Sedum, and Album Superbum, are the best varieties to attract honeybees.

17. Shasta Daisy

Flowers for Bees 10

Botanical Name: Leucanthemum × superbum

Thanks to its pollen-rich, bright yellow eye, the shasta daisy draws many bees into the landscapes. The daisy-like, semi-double flower features milky white petals that complement the yellow disc florets.

Check out How to Grow False Daisy here!

18. Dahlia / Lahure


Botanical Name: Dahlia pinnata

Although many hybrid varieties of dahlia flowers are covered in petals, Dahlia Annika, Dahlia Dark Desire, and Dahlia Sunshine are best for bees.

19. Aster

Botanical Name: Asteraceae

Coming in elegant shades of pinks, blues, and purple, aster features slender and thin petals with profound pollen that bees love to feed.

20. Hazelnut Tree

Botanical Name: Corylus

Hazelnuts are the perfect, easy-to-grow, disease-resistant nuts for YOU! they have the Best Flowers for Bees. They are great for someone looking to add to their garden landscape.

Check out Beautiful Shrubs Used for Landscaping in India here!

21. Chives


Botanical Name: Allium schoenoprasum

These are the best and most nutritive flowers that can be used in salads, potato dishes, sauces, omelets, and so much more! The best part about this versatile herb is that it is a great plant that attracts bees to your garden!

22. Rosemary


Botanical Name: Salvia rosmarinus

These are drought-resistant plants and another great flower for bees in your garden. Grow them in well-drained loamy soil for ultimate yields.

Here’s Everything About Growing Rosemary!

23. Lilac


Botanical Name: Syringa vulgaris

Depending on the type of tree or bush you get, it can be a beautiful part of your landscape or a nice complement to your garden. Regardless, you cannot forget its smell when it blooms. This is a favorite flower for bees in almost every region of the country!

24. Catnip

Zauser garden design /

Botancial Name: Nepeta cataria

The flowering plant is useful to repel insects but attract bees. To grow them well, maintain the pH of the soil from 6.0 to 7.5 and water them bi-weekly.

Check Out the Best Termite Repellent Plants You Can Grow here!

25. Mint


Botanical Name: Mentha

These plants spread incredibly quickly and wide. In addition, they are used in many dishes around the world. They are amazing at repelling pests while attracting beneficial insects. 

Check out Different Varieties of Mint here!

26. Basil


Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum

This herb has an incomparable smell. It is great for pesto, Caprese salads, and pasta. Not only this, but it is the perfect herb to be planted in a pot. You can move it anywhere to attract bees to the perfect location.

27. Cilantro


Botanical Name: Coriandrum sativum

Cilantro is one of the most common and used herbs in every Indian Household. It is a great way to add flavor to salads and daily meals. In addition, it is a great complement to a herb garden.  And even better, it can attract certain types of bees that other herbs cannot.

28. Hyssop

Botanical Name: Hyssopus officinalis

A lot of gardeners sometimes mistake hyssop for lavender. While they look the same and have similar uses, Hyssop is a great addition to planting lavender. These are one of the best flowers for bees. 

Check Out the Best Indoor Plants For Homes In India here!

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