15 Best Interior Plants for Houses

Last Updated: 19.10.2023
Sakshi Kasat
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Sakshi Kasat, an indoor gardener and content creator from Indore, India, transitioned from teaching to follow her gardening passion during the pandemic. She's an expert in indoor gardening, with over 150 articles published. Her favorite plant, the Peace Lily, reflects her mission to inspire others. In gardening and writing, she finds pure inspiration and contentment.

Here’s an exclusive list of Best Interior Plants for Houses that will bring the essence of nature in your home while improving the quality of Indoor air!

Houseplants are a great way to bring the beauty of nature inside homes. Besides giving your interior an aesthetic look, many of these plants have air-purifying capabilities that makes them must-have plants! Here are some of the Best Interior Plants for Houses!

Check out our article on the best indoor plants for Mumbai here

Best Interior Plants

1. Snake Plant

Interior Plants for Houses

Botanical Name: Dracaena trifasciata

The sword-like, upright leaves of the snake plant can add a tropical touch to your interior. Admired for its truly forgiving and low-maintenance nature, this unique architectural plant cleanses the indoor air by absorbing various VOCs.

2. Money Plant

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

Considered to bring good fortune to its owner. You can plant this heart-shaped leaves plant in the soil or even in the water. It also upgrades the indoor air quality by filtering harmful VOCs like toluene, and xylene from the surroundings.

3. Lucky Bamboo

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Botanical Name: Dracaena sanderiana

Considered to bring prosperity and money. According to Feng shui, this plant is often flourished in a pot filled with water and surrounded with decorative pebbles for support purposes. It is one of the best interior plants for houses.

4. Areca Palm

Botanical Name: Dypsis lutescens

The multitude of stems gracefully flaunt like butterfly wings. This made it earn the butterfly palm name. Filtering the indoor air by absorbing formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene is another attribute of this houseplant.

5. Aloe Vera

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Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis miller

Everyone is familiar with herbaceous aloe vera plants. It is known for its fleshy leaves and stems with serrated margins. This medicinal plant also eliminates benzene and formaldehyde from the air.

6. Boston Fern

Botanical Name: Nephrolepis exaltata

The arching fronds of Boston ferns draped with tiny green leaflets can entirely revamp the look of your interior.  Apart from beautifying your space, its key feature of removing toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde from the air makes it one of the best interior plants for houses.

7. Chinese Evergreen

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Botanical Name: Aglaonema

Chinese evergreen can liven up any interior through its beauty. This plant will reward you with clean air by eliminating formaldehyde and benzene.

8. Weeping Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus benjamina

Its key feature of cleansing the surrounding by removing air toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene is another perk of growing it indoors.

9. Jade Plant

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Botanical Name: Crassula ovata

The fleshy, green leaves of jade plants growing on a woody stem can be a great addition to any empty corner. This plant is most admired by busy gardeners, as the weekly watering and less caring features make it an exceptional houseplant.

10. ZZ Plant

Botanical Name: Zamioculcas

Also known as Zuzu plant, or Zanzibar gem, this houseplant is remarked for its deep green foliage that looks artificial from distance. This plant can surely add a bold note to your interior with its glossy leaves.

11. Peace Lily

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Botanical Name: Spathiphyllum

The fragrant, white flower emerging from the dark green foliage of this plant looks exceptionally stunning. This plant absorbs formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the indoor air.

12. Burro’s Tail

Botanical Name: Sedum morganianum

The trailing stems of burros tail look like woven with tiny, fleshy leaves. The color of leaves gets tinged with golden to lilac marks if kept in bright, direct sun exposure. To enhance its true beauty, nurture this plant with direct to partial sunlight.

13. Rubber Plant

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Botanical Name: Ficus elastica

Tinged with red, yellow, and maroon splashes, the deep-green foliage of rubber plants can dramatically spruce up the look of any interior. Eliminating formaldehyde from the air, this houseplant appreciates bright and indirect sunlight with infrequent watering.

14. Dumb Cane

Botanical Name: Dieffenbachia

The broad and green leaves of dumb cane have white splashes along the veins that can turn any unused space into a green corner. Thanks to its habit of tolerating shade, it can survive well indoors in low lights.

Note: This plant is toxic, so place it any spot away from the reach of children and pets.

15. Spider Plant

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Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum

Spider plant features long and slender leaves with trailing habit. These leaves growing in the cluster are striped with green and white bands that add contrast to any interior.

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