12 Beautiful Climbing Plants for Balcony

Last Updated: 17.10.2023

Convert the open corner of your apartment into a mini paradise using these Climbing Plants for Balcony. They are easy to grow and look great!

If you live in an urban apartment, then here are some beautiful Climbing Plants for Balcony that you can grow in a small space!

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Climbing Plants for Balcony

1. Morning Glory

Climbing Plants for Balcony

Botanical Name: Ipomoea tricolor

This climber plant can be trained using stakes or walls. As its name signifies, the flower blooms in the early morning during the sunny days of summers.

2. Golden Pothos

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

The evergreen plant with heart-shaped leaves needs no introduction. The foliage has random splashes of yellow to cream variegation. Itt has an invasive growth and adds abundant greenery in the balconies if trained appropriately.

3. Bougainvillea

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Botanical Name: Bougainvillea

Coming in an array of pink, white, yellow, and orange shades, the bougainvillea blooms add a pop of colors to the place. This woody climber vine can be grown in large pots and can be trained on railings.

4. Star Jasmine

Botanical Name: Trachelospermum jasminoides

This fast-growing woody vine unfurls white and fragrant flowers during spring and summer. Its deep evergreen leaves also act as a green backdrop on the balcony, wall, or even railings.

5. Bleeding Heart Vine

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Botanical Name: Clerodendrum thomsoniae

It features white calyxes from which deep crimson-hued flowers emerge, offering an enchanting sight to behold. Provide it with ample support of a trellis or train it on the railing.

6. Nasturtium

Botanical Name: Tropaeolum

The orange flower, leaves, as well as seedpods of nasturtium are best known for their culinary uses and peppery flavor. Nasturtium vine can grow as long as 3-4 feet if left to grow arbitrarily.

7. Flame Vine

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Botanical Name: Pyrostegia venusta

Flame vine adds a lot of character to the balconies thanks to its orange blooms that flaunt against the deep green foliage. It introduces a wow factor when trellised on the railing of balconies.

8. Climbing Roses

Botanical Name: Rosa setigera

The plethora of varieties showcasing numerous colors, fragrances, and floral arrangements set roses apart from all. You should opt for trailing or climbing rose-type variety for the balcony.

9. Blue Passion Flower

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Botanical Name: Passiflora caerulea

This is an award-winning flower that is borne on the semi-evergreen, tropical vine. It can be easily trained using a trellis or a set of wires.

10. Rangoon Creeper

Botanical Name: Combretum indicum

Rangoon creeper is generally used for decorating arches, and pergolas, but it can also be trained on walls and railing of the balconies for a cascading effect.

11. Honeysuckle

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Botanical Name: Lonicera

The plant has blue-green foliage that pairs well with spectacular flowers coming in a range of pink, orange, yellow, white, and even bi-colored. The plant will look great cascading down the railing.

12. Curtain Creeper

Botanical Name: Tarlmounia

The slender stems of curtain creeper climb up on the support provided in form of a railing, fence, arches, etc. Slender stems climb up and then cascade down in a manner that gives out a certain feel.

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