11 Stunning Bonsai Flower Plants

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Want to grow flowers inside your home in a limited space? Here are some Stunning Bonsai Flower Plants that will interest you for sure!

Bonsai refers to the art of growing the trees and shrubs in miniature forms in containers. This way, you can grow trees and plants in a relatively small space and enjoy their beauty indoors! Here are some gorgeous Bonsai Flower Plants that must grow!

Check out our article on growing Peepal Tree Bonsai here

Bonsai Flower Plants

1. Bougainvillea/ Gaganbel

Bonsai Flower Plants

Botanical Name: Bougainvillea glabra

To keep its size in check, its vine-like woody branches should be regularly pruned and trained into a bonsai. The shrub for bonsai is available in an array of colors like pink, yellow, and white.

Learn How to Grow Bougainvillea in Pots Here

2. West Indian Jasmine

Botanical Name: Ixora

Fragrant Jasmine flowers are the pride of Indian gardens. You can grow it in bonsai form easily, with regular watering, plenty of bright light, and periodic pruning.

Here are the best Types of Jasmine Flowers in India

3. Azalea

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Botanical Name: Rhododendron

Displaying purple, pink, red, and yellow colors, the vivacious flowers of azalea add a burst of shades to the landscape. To prepare its bonsai, choose Kurume and Satsuki hybrids that are the dwarf version.

4. Wisteria Bonsai

Botanical Name: Wisteria sinensis

Be it Chinese wisteria or Japanese wisteria, both bonsai tree cultivars are a magnificent addition to indoor spaces and are also easy to grow and maintain.

5. Star Magnolia

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Botanical Name: Magnolia stellata

Thin twigs, glossy leaves, and exquisite flowers are the top features of star magnolia bonsai. Moreover, its spring flowers are highly scented, so you can keep it at any airy window to relish its fragrance throughout the day.

6. Crabapple

Botanical Name: Malus

Besides its edible fruits, crabapples are cherished for their pink flowers emerging in springs. The pink-red flowers complement well with glossy, alternate leaves. For bonsai form, Malus Hallinan, Malus x zumi, Malus toringo, Malus baccata, and Malus cerasifera are the top-recommended varieties.

7.  Desert Rose

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Botanical Name: Adenium obesum

The base of the desert rose is bulbous, which it uses for storing water for the drought period. At the same time, its fleshy leaves harmonize the view of stunning pink-red flowers.

8. Golden Shower Tree

Botanical Name: Cassia fistula

Golden shower is the state flower of Kerela, and its bonsai form is highly sought after in South India. From springs to summers, the bonsai tree continues to display a bunch of bright yellow flowers.

9. Fukien Tea Tree

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Botanical Name: Carmona retusa

This plant species is perfect for bonsai, thanks to its lobed leaves, thick trunk, and dainty white flowers that profusely bloom year-round. It stays compact and grows at a slow pace.

10. Japanese Beautyberry

Botanical Name: Callicarpa japonica 

The plant is a vigorous grower and asks for frequent pruning in the spring and summer seasons to keep its size in check. The tiny flower appears in white to a purple shade.

11. Sasanqua Camellia

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Botanical Name: Camellia sasanqua

This bonsai is a boon for tight spaces, as it is compact-sized and has low growing nature. It bears semi-double red blooms that add a pop of colors to the spaces throughout winter.

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