21 Best Blue Flowering Plants You Can Grow in India

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Here are the most amazing Best Blue Flowering Plants that you can grow in your home and garden to add a royal shade of cool!

Blue Flowering Plants stand out from the rest because they look so different and pleasing to the eyes. We have the best ones on the list that will surely add a lot of appeal to your rooms and landscape!

Have a look at the most beautiful yellow flowering plants here

Best Blue Flowering Plants

Here is the list of Blue Flower Names with blue flowers images

1. Blue Hibiscus

Blue Flowering Plants

Botanical Name: Alyogyne huegelii

This blue hibiscus flower has a violet blue color flower that looks stunning in patios and lawns. These Blue Flowering Plants and their flower grows fast and appreciates part sun to full sunlight for best growth.

2. Asian Pigeonwings

Botanical Name: Clitoria ternatea

This blue orchid flower has a dark blue flowers and makes a dramatic statement in any garden. It is a blue pea flower also has many medicinal uses and is consumed as a tea for relieving mental stress.

3. Cornflower

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Botanical Name: Centaurea cyanus

Exhibiting its charisma through its intense sky blue flowers, these annual Blue Flowering Plants have the ability to reseed itself during a suitable environment.

4. French Hydrangea


Botanical Name: Hydrangea macrophylla

Though hydrangea comes in multiple shades, the blue hydrangea is the most sought after. The exuberant light blue flowers of the plant appear in ball-shaped clusters during summers and fall.

5. Bearded Iris

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Botanical Name: Iris germanica

These Blue Flowering Plants are noticed for their exotic floral arrangement featuring six petals, out of which the three petals gracefully arch downwards.

6. Periwinkle

Botanical Name: Catharanthus roseus

Coming in enticing shades of pink, purple, and blue periwinkle flower has five petals that unite into a tube. The chic blue flower species can be seen popping up throughout the year sporadically.

Also have a look at Growing Periwinkle Flowers here

7. Forget me Not

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Botanical Name: Myosotis sylvatica

The five petals of this flower come in a charming blue shade with a yellow center. It grows on the hairy stems and offers a wonderful backdrop against the green elements of the garden.

8. Bluestar

Botanical Name: Amsonia

The starry flower in a blue hue continues to display from late springs to early summers. Once the flowers fade, the foliage of these Blue Flowering Plants turn yellowish gold, giving it an exotic appearance.

9. Jackmanii Clematis

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Botanical Name: Clematis x jackmanii

The plant with bell-like blooms looks great in garden beds. These Blue Flowering Plants feature six to seven petals and can appear as a single, semi-double or double flower.

10. Morning Glory

Botanical Name: Ipomoea

The funnel-like beautiful blue flowers of morning glory unfurls during the dawn and closes by the twilight. It comes in an array of shades ranging from red, pink, blue, purple to white.

If you are interested to see Beautiful Good Morning Messages so check out here

11. Veronica

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Botanical Name: Veronica spicata

This stunning flower displays long spikes of lavender-blue petals. Blooming from spring to fall, these Blue Flowering Plants have a low, compact, and mat-forming tendency.

12. Blue Crown Passionflowers


Botanical Name: Passiflora caerulea

The flower features five petals and five sepals with a ring of blue-purple filaments. This fast-growing plant produces blooms from early summers to early fall.

13. Bell Flower

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Botanical Name: Campanula

As the name suggests, the sweet blue flowers has a bell-like appearance and looks spectacular in a purple-blue hue. These Blue Flowering Plants are a symbol of affection and works exceptionally well as the ground cover.

14. Balloon Flower


Botanical Name: Platycodon grandiflorus

The bell-shaped flower has a thick rubber-like texture and looks spectacular in the blue-lavender shade. Its unmatched beauty makes it a perfect candidate for summer gardens.

15. Suntory Blue Rose Applause

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Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Applause’

This blue rose flower, a breathtaking bluish-purple rose cultivar crafted through conventional breeding techniques. Its striking color and captivating fragrance make it a beloved option for both gardens and floral displays.

16. Nymphaea ‘King of Siam’


Botanical Name: Numpheae Chalong Kwan

The captivating blue lily flower stand out in the group with their brown-speckled leaves, creating a striking contrast against their deep violet blooms. What sets these Blue Flowering Plants apart is their petal formation, tapering toward a golden center instead of stamens, lending them a unique allure and intensified fragrance.

17. Blue Lotus 

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Botanical Name: Nymphaea caerulea

The blue lotus flower or sacred blue lily of the Nile, is a tropical water lily. It boasts day-blooming, star-shaped flowers measuring 4-6 inches across. Each blossom showcases upright, pointed light blue petals gracefully unfurled on the water’s surface.

18 Blue allamanda 

Botanical Name: Allamanda blanchetii

A charming vine-like shrub, up to six feet tall, adorned with glossy dark green leaves. The star attraction is the captivating blue Allamanda flower, with bell-shaped blooms around two inches in size, transitioning from lilac to pinkish.

19. Meconopsis

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Botanical Name: Meconopsis betonicifolia

Meconopsis is famed for its stunning blue poppy flowers, notably the Himalayan Blue Poppy (Meconopsis baileyi), Tibetan Poppy (Meconopsis grandis), and the hybrid Meconopsis ‘Lingholm’. While renowned for its blue hues, Meconopsis flowers also exhibit shades of yellow, violet, purple, red, or white.

20. Zinnia

Botanical Name: Zinnia elegans

The Blue Zinnia flower is a captivating choice known for its vibrant blue petals, adding a unique touch to gardens. These Blue Flowering Plants thrive with regular care, attracting pollinators and enhancing garden aesthetics.

21. Neelakurinji

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Botanical Name: Strobilanthes kunthiana

The Nilgiri Hills blue flower is a captivating choice for gardens, boasting vibrant blue petals that add a unique touch. Thriving with regular care, these flowers attract pollinators and enhance garden aesthetics with their cool-toned beauty amidst the Nilgiri Hills’ enchanting landscape.

You can also explore 21 Beautiful Butterfly Attracting Plants in India here

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