Asparagus Vegetables in India | How To Plant and Grow Asparagus

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Quite uncommon, Asparagus Vegetables in India can be quite rare to find! If you want to grow the same, this article will come in handy!

What is Asparagus?

Asparagus Vegetables in India

Famous for its tasty shoots asparagus is a nutritious vegetable rich in calcium, iron, and Vitamins. However, it is not as common in India, and getting your hands on a fresh one can be tricky! The best part is growing Asparagus Vegetables in India is quite easy as long as you know the right way to do it! In this article, we are going to cover everything in detail that’ll guide you in growing this tasty homegrown shoot!

Botanical Name: Asparagus officinalis.

Common Names: Shatwar, Satomul, Shatmuli, Satabari, Abhiru, Moosli, Ashadi, Majjigegadde, Sootmooli, Siparibruballi

Asparagus Cultivation in India

The plant is famous for its culinary and medicinal uses. Although it is a native to the western European coasts, it has now been widely naturalized in India and cultivated mainly in the tropical and subtropical regions of the country. Himachal Pradesh is the primary producer. As the vegetable not commonly available in the local markets, it remains in high demand. So, asparagus farming in India can be a beneficial idea as the crop can fetch good prices!

How to Grow Asparagus Vegetables in India?

There are many types of asparagus in India, for example, light green, white, and purple. It requires a lot of patience and time to grow them as the plants can take around two to three years before they can start producing edible shoots leaves. You can grow them in your kitchen garden as well. Here is all the information you need for growing asparagus in India!


You can propagate the plant from both seeds and crowns. It is advisable to grow from crowns as the seeds will take around three years, but if you grow the plants from roots, you can get the shots within the first two years of planting.  You can directly plant these crowns in soil and care as per the following instruction.


You can easily grow these plants in tropical and subtropical regions. The plants can stand the temperature range from 23- 30° C.  If the temperature fluctuates too much, it can hamper the growth.


Yes! You can grow asparagus in containers, but it requires a lot of care. A pot that is around 18-20 inches deep and 12 inches wide is ideal for growing asparagus. However, growing in pots results in only 2-3 seasons of harvest once the plant has established.


Asparagus plants need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. They can do well in both full sun or shades conditions. If you are growing them in containers, you can place them in the shade once the summer temperature rises above 30-35°C.


Choose a well-draining soil, rich in organic matter. The soil ranging from 6.5 to 7.5 in pH is good for the growth of these plants. You can also go with loamy or sandy loam soil.


Watering depends on the season. During summer, these plants will require constant irrigation as the water loss is also high. In winter, water them once the topsoil is dry. Reduce in the rainy season.

Asparagus Plant Care

Asparagus Vegetables in India 2


Fertilize your plants with rotted cow dung manure and compost by mixing them into the soil around the plant. Feeding your plants will provide added nutrients that will help in better growth.


Pruning asparagus is quite easy! Snip off dried, decayed or infected part of the plant. Also, remove the weeds around the plants.


Mulching will help reduce the water loss in full sun during summer. Also, mulching saves the plant from weeds.

Pests and Diseases

Be careful about root rot, spear rot, aphids, and rose chafer. However, these diseases are mainly found in the high scale cultivation of these crops. On a small scale, these can be treated by just removing the affected part or using a pesticide.

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