Tips for Protecting Rhubarb in Winter in India

Last Updated: 19.10.2023
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Here are all the Tips for Protecting Rhubarb in Winter in India that will be of great help if you have grown this tangy veggie in your garden.

The rhubarb plant is grown for its edible stalks and is also used in making pies, jams, and deserts. It comes in multiple varieties ranging from red, green to green colors with a hint of red. If you are growing it in colder months, then these Tips for Protecting Rhubarb in Winter will come in handy!

Have a look at the best winter vegetables in India here

Why Winter is Important for Rhubarb Plant

Tips for Protecting Rhubarb in Winter

You are quite lucky if you live in colder regions of India like Jammu and Kashmir or Himachal Pradesh. Rhubarb plant grows in the regions that receive ample cold temperatures during the winters. The chilling weather causes the plant to go into dormancy, but it also helps the plant to re-grow healthier and bigger for the upcoming spring season.

Every year the plant comes back in springs with outstanding vigorous growth. The rhubarb plant asks for maintenance for the initial 1-2 years, but once established, it can take care of its own. The plant has an average life expectancy of 8-10 years.

Rhubarb Winter Care

Cold temperature is necessary for the plant to have new stems growth during springs. The crown and roots of the plant need to be protected from the chilling temperature. To winterize the plant, cut back any remaining stalks. Add 2-4 inches of soil with mulch like organic compost, cow dung manure, hay, straw, clippings, or leaves before the winter.

If you are growing rhubarb in containers, shift it to a shady spot, and cover the soil thoroughly with a wide mulch layer. Mulching rhubarb for winters protects the roots and crown by keeping soil temperature even.

Growing Tips for Rhubarb

Tips for Protecting Rhubarb in Winter 2

  1. It requires well-draining, fertile, and slightly moist soil. Use manure for amending soil quality and select a bright location with full to partial sunlight.
  2. Avoid harvesting rhubarb leaves during the very first year of planting. Let it grow to its fullest for the first year. Start snipping leaves only when the stalk grows 12 to 18 inches tall.
  3. Snip away flowering stalks, as it takes the plant’s energy that’s needed for root or stem growth.
  4. If you are growing it in the garden soil, plant at least 3-feet apart to prevent them from interfering with each other.
  5. Water the plant thoroughly and keep the soil consistently moist during the growing period, especially in the first two years.

Note: The rhubarb is seldom confused with the Indian rhubarb or Darmera peltata. Rhubarb is famous for its edible stalks mainly, while Indian rhubarb is popular for the medicinal uses of its roots.

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