6 Secret Rose Fertilizer Recipes | Homemade Organic Rose Fertilizer

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Here are some of the best Secret Rose Fertilizer Recipes that you can use on your plants for fantastic blooms! They are easy to make and also environment friendly!

Secret Rose Fertilizer Recipes

Roses are surely the best flowering plants and if you have them in your garden, then check out these Secret Rose Fertilizer Recipes for getting plenty of blooms all year!

Have a look at the best tips to get more blooms than leaves Here

Secret Rose Fertilizer Recipes

1. Molasses

Take 2-tablespoons of molasses, 1-tablespoon of Epsom salt, 2-tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 1-tablespoon of kelp, and 2-tablespoons of powdered fish. Mix well. Add 3-cups of water and stir.

Apply this fertilizer after diluting it with 5 cups of water to the rose plant. Ensure to feed not more than once in 4-5 weeks.

2. Kitchen Scrapes

Banana peels and eggshells are the most popular homemade fertilizer for rose plants, as they comprise potassium and other beneficial minerals.

Crush 2-3 eggshells, mix it with 1 sliced banana peel, and add to the growing medium.

3. Coffee Grounds and Tea Leaves

Rinse tea leaves with water to wash away any sugar content. Dry in the sun, mix it with coffee grounds in equal quantity and sprinkle a handful of it in the growing medium.

3. Fish Tank Water

Fish tank water contains a significant amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, ammonia, and other beneficial micro-organisms. Therefore, you can repurpose this water for fertilizing your roses. Use it to water the plants once in 4-5 weeks.

4. White Vinegar

Roses are fond of acidic soil and vinegar helps to raise the pH to the growing media. Mix one tablespoon of white vinegar in 3 liters of water and use this solution to water the plants once in 5-6 weeks.

Know 13 Types of Roses in India here

5. Compost and Manure

Compost and manure are best for flowering plants. Apply compost at the base of the rose plant every month in the growing season. Alternatively, using 4-5 cups of manure also induces blooming.

6. Fish and Bonemeal

Blend one part each of fish, alfalfa, greensand, gypsum, and bone meal. Blend them thoroughly, and apply the mixture near the base after watering the soil. Do this once in 6-8 weeks for best flowers!

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