10 Beautiful Mini Sunflower Varieties You Can Grow in India

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

These Beautiful Mini Sunflower Varieties are perfect if you are looking forward to add small and bright yellow blooms to your garden.

Check out these amazing Mini Sunflower Varieties that grow only up to 3-4 feet tall, making them perfect candidates for pots or borders. These sunflowers ask for minimal space, appear in a bunch, and bring that perfect summery vibes to home and landscape!

Have a look at the best croton varieties you can grow in India here

Most Beautiful Mini Sunflower Varieties

1. Teddy Bear

Mini Sunflower Varieties

It is a fast-growing annual with golden yellow double flowers. This flowering variety has a bushy growth pattern and grows up to 3-feet tall.

2. Little Becka

This small flower, with 5-6 inches diameter, showcases a wonderful blend of red-coppery and yellow colors on florets. It grows up to 2-3 feet tall and has compact growth.

3. Topolino

Mini Sunflower Varieties 2

Majorly used as cut flowers, this sunflower variety is drought tolerant. It grows only up to 16-20 inches and is a great addition to borders and hedges.

4. Earthwalker

Growing up to 3-4 feet tall, the plant bears daisy-like flower heads. This sun-loving, annual flower has florets flushed with yellow, terracotta orange, or dark red color with a dark brown ‘eye.’

5. Elf

Mini Sunflower Varieties 3

This 2-4 feet tall flowering plant bears flowers of 4-6 inches in diameter. This elf variety produces cup-shaped blooms that are famous for the long blooming period.

6. Firecracker

This variety produces pollen-less, bicolored flowers on branched stems. The blooms are gracefully flushed with golden-orange hues having an enlarged, chocolaty-brown center.

7. Big Smile

Its blooms are around 3-6 inches wide whereas the plant reaches the height of 12-18 inches.  The flowers have radiant golden-yellow florets with a dark brown center.

8. Dwarf Incredible

Mini Sunflower Varieties 4

The variety features a bright yellow flower with a light brown center that continues to bloom throughout the summer. This plant variety grows 15-20 inches long, and the flower head measures up to 7-9 inches.

9. Suntastic Yellow

This dwarf flower grows about 20-24 inches in height and can produce up to 20 flowers per plant. The award-winning flower has yellow florets with a large brown ‘eye.’

10. Sunny Smile

Mini Sunflower Varieties 5

This hybrid and dwarf sunflower variety flowers year-round. It has a branching habit, and its blooms have a longer shelf life too. The plant grows 15 to 20 inches tall.

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