8 Types of Khajur | Dates Varieties in India

Last Updated: 19.10.2023
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Dates are not only just delicious, but they pack in nutrients and vitamins as well! Here are some of the most popular Types of Khajur in India!

What is Khajur?

Khajur is a medium-sized flowering tree that can grow up to a height of  60-75 feet. It is a dioecious plant that has separate male and female parts. A staple food in the middle east, the fruits are around 3-7 cm long, cylindrical, and contain a seed at the center. They are sweet and have high sugar content even when dried. The dried form of dates is used in making many delicious dishes in India! Let’s have a look at some of the best Types of Khajur!

Common Names: Khajur, Khajoor, Sugar palm, Karjuri, Kharjur, Kharak, Kharik, Thangtup, Sendhi, Kaattiinthal, Khajjur, Khaajuri, Kattinchu, Kattiintha, Icham, Khejura, Khorjuri, Khajjur, Shindi

Botanical Name: Phoenix dactylifera

Khajur Cultivation in India

States like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu, are the major Khajur producing states in India. Despite this, India is one of the largest importers of the date fruits. The country imports from Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan. This makes the scope of their cultivation in the country, very high! Read on to explore some of the delicious dates types in India.

Types of Khajur

The following section will discuss the various kinds of Khajur cultivated throughout India.

1. Medjool

 Types of Khajur

The dates of this variety are used in making smoothies, shakes and are added to many sweet dishes as well. They are not suitable for raw consumption. The fruits are large and fleshy, with an attractive bright yellow color with a delightful taste. Usually available throughout the year, these dry fruits are also famous as the ‘Queen of Dates.’

2. Hallawi

Hallawis are soft dates that are edible in both raw and dry forms. Tolerant towards rains, this is an early fruiting variety that produces a good yield. The average yield of this variety is from 50 -80 kg per tree. Although these fruits are best when eaten in raw form, they are also be made into good quality chuhara.

3.  Zahidi

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This is also a mid-season cultivar of the dates that shows a little tolerance towards high humidity and rainfall. The dates are semi-dry and are highly suitable for processing into pind khajoor. These are small in size and are not appropriate for eating raw.

4. Khadrawi

The dates of this variety are slightly less sweet than that of Medjool. These oval fruits are highly preferred for their soft and silky consistency and golden-red flesh. They are available all through the fall and early winters. It is a high yielding cultivar with comparatively smaller tree size.  It is suitable for both ripe and dry consumption.

5. Barhee

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These small, spherical dates are sweet, but the level of sweetness can differ according to their ripeness level. They are smooth and crunchy in texture, with a golden-yellow color. This variety is suitable for eating in raw form due to its high flesh content. It is a very high yielding cultivar of dates with an average yield of 60-110 kg per tree!

6. Hayany

This variety is mostly a part of many desserts and dishes. They are suitable for eating raw as well. These soft and oblong dates have a good amount of flesh and are sweet, with a dark brown color. This makes these fruits suitable for table purposes. The average yield of this variety per palm is around 30-40 kg.

7. Deglet

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The dates of this cultivar are available throughout the season of late summer and fall. The fruits are medium in size and have a yellow to amber color. They also have a crunchy and semi-dry texture with a big seed. These dates are less sweeter than those of Medjool variety.

Also Read: Dry Fruit Names in Kannada

8. Kimia

One of the most delicious varieties of dates, it is famous for the meaty texture and luscious smooth skin. Kimia is brown-black and suitable for table purposes. It can also be eaten in both raw and dry forms, making for a great addition to various desserts!

Health Benefits of Khajur

Here are proven health benefits of Khajur:

  • Khajurs are rich in nutrition and comes loaded with fiber, protein, potassium, magnesium, and minerals.
  • They are high in antioxidants and help the body fight againsts diseases.
  • You can also replace sugar with khajur, it is an excellent natural sweetner.
  • Khajur also controls blood sugar and improves bone health.

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