Animals Name in Hindi and English | Significance of Animals in Farming and Ecosystem

Last Updated: 19.12.2023
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Want to know about the Animals Name in Hindi and English in detail? We have an inclusive list that will give you all the information!

Animals Name in Hindi and English

This article will give you a detailed insight on all the major Animals Name in Hindi and English to help you have a better understanding of the other ways they are famous as.

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Animals Name in Hindi and English


  1. बिल्ली (Cat)
  2. कुत्ता (Dog)
  3. बंदर (Monkey)
  4. हाथी (Elephant)
  5. गाय (Cow)
  6. भालू (Bear)
  7. शेर (Lion)
  8. टाइगर (Tiger)
  9. गिरगिट (Chameleon)
  10. बकरी (Goat)
  11. बैल (Bull)
  12. खरगोश (Rabbit)
  13. गधा (Donkey)
  14. गोरिल्ला (Gorilla)
  15. भैंस (Buffalo)
  16. कांगारू (Kangaroo)
  17. मेंढ़क (Frog)
  18. सांप (Snake)
  19. मुर्गा (Rooster)
  20. मेंढ़ा (Lizard)
  21. करड़ी (Crocodile)
  22. उल्लू (Owl)
  23. ख़रगोश (Hare)
  24. बंदरगाह (Zoo)
  25. कछुआ (Turtle)
  26. बाघ (Leopard)
  27. बांबू (Panda)
  28. ख़रगोश (Hare)
  29. गिलहरी (Squirrel)
  30. शुतुरमुर्ग (Ostrich)
  31. तेंदुआ (Rhinoceros)
  32. बछड़ा (Calf)
  33. जिराफ़ (Giraffe)
  34. गिलहरी (Squirrel)
  35. बैठूक (Hippopotamus)
  36. बंदर (Monkey)
  37. बालूक (Cub)
  38. मगरमच्छ (Alligator)
  39. सिंह (Lion)
  40. मगरमच्छ (Crocodile)
  41. मदरक (Camel)

10 Animals Name in Hindi and English that are Very Popular in India

Here are the names of 10 popular Animals Name in Hindi and English

  1. Elephant – हाथी (Haathi)
  2. Tiger – बाघ (Baagh)
  3. Cow – गाय (Gaay)
  4. Monkey – बंदर (Bandar)
  5. Lion – शेर (Sher)
  6. Peacock – मोर (Mor)
  7. Dog – कुत्ता (Kutta)
  8. Buffalo – भैंस (Bhains)
  9. Camel – उंट (Unt)
  10. Snake – सांप (Saap)

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Wild Animals Name in Hindi and English

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Here are the names of 10 popular wild animals name in hindi and English

  1. Tiger – बाघ (Baagh)
  2. Lion – शेर (Sher)
  3. Elephant – हाथी (Haathi)
  4. Leopard – तेंदुआ (Tendua)
  5. Rhinoceros – गैंडा (Gainda)
  6. Sloth Bear – भालू (Bhaalu)
  7. Indian Bison (Gaur) – गौर (Gaur)
  8. Indian Wolf – भेड़िया (Bhediyaa)
  9. Asiatic Lion – गिर सिंह (Gir Singh)
  10. Indian Wild Dog (Dhole) – जंगली कुत्ता (Jungli Kutta)

Domestic Animals Name in Hindi and English

Here are the names of 10 popular Domestic Animals Name in Hindi and English:

  1. Cow – गाय (Gaay)
  2. Buffalo – भैंस (Bhains)
  3. Goat – बकरी (Bakri)
  4. Sheep – भेड़ (Bhed)
  5. Horse – घोड़ा (Ghoda)
  6. Camel – उंट (Unt)
  7. Dog – कुत्ता (Kutta)
  8. Rabbit – खरगोश (Kharghosh)
  9. Cat – बिल्ली (Billi)
  10. Tortoise – कछुआ (Kachua)

These domestic animals are commonly found in households and farms across India and have various uses for humans, including providing food, transportation, and companionship.

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National Animal of India

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National Animal of India: Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)

Details: The Bengal tiger, or Panthera tigris, is one of the subspecies of tigers found primarily in India, with smaller populations in Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal. It is the most numerous of all tiger subspecies, though it is also on the list of endangered species. This majestic animal is popular for its grace, strength, agility, and immense power.

Reasons and Significance of National Animal of India
  1. Symbol of Strength and Power: Tigers have been an integral symbol of Indian folklore and tales for centuries. They represent strength, power, and grace in the Indian psyche.
  2. Cultural Relevance: In Indian culture, the tiger is also of mythological significance. It is belongs to deities, especially Goddess Durga, who is often depicted riding a tiger.
  3. Conservation Efforts: By the mid-20th century, the tiger population in India had dwindled because of poaching and habitat loss. Adopting the Bengal tiger as the national animal in the 1970s was also symbolic of India’s conservation efforts and the initiation of ‘Project Tiger’, a wildlife conservation project launched in 1973 to protect the Bengal tigers from extinction.
  4. Unique Biodiversity: The presence of tigers in the wild is an indicator of the well-being of the ecosystem. Additionally, Tigers require a large territory for hunting, and their presence ensures that the ecosystem is balanced. By protecting tigers, we’re also ensuring that the forests, its flora, and fauna, are equally preserved.
  5. National Pride: The Bengal tiger embodies the spirit of Indian wildlife. The elegance, strength, and resilience of the tiger make it an emblem of national pride.
  6. Tourism: The presence of tigers has a positive impact on wildlife tourism, with numerous tiger reserves and national parks attracting tourists, both domestic and international. Tourists flock to parks like Jim Corbett, Bandhavgarh, Ranthambore, and Kanha, among others, to catch a glimpse of this majestic creature.
  7. Biodiversity Indicator: The tiger sits at the top of the food chain, and its conservation ensures the balance of the entire system. A decrease in their population indicates an imbalance which can have cascading effects on the entire ecosystem.

In essence, the Bengal tiger is not just an animal but a significant emblem of India’s cultural, historical, and environmental heritage. By granting it the status of the national animal, India emphasizes its importance and the need to protect this majestic creature and its habitat.

Significance of Animals in Gardening, Farming, and Ecosystem

Animals play a critical role in gardening, farming, and the ecosystem as a whole, especially in a country like India with its vast biodiversity, diverse agro-climatic conditions, and cultural practices. Let’s delve deeper into the significance of animals in these sectors:

1. Gardening:

  • Pollination: Insects like bees, butterflies, and moths facilitate the pollination of many flowering plants. In addition, this cross-fertilization process helps in the formation of seeds and fruits, essential for the survival of many plant species.
  • Pest Control: Animals like birds, spiders, and certain beetles feed on harmful insects, which can damage garden plants. Ladybugs, for instance, are natural predators of aphids.
  • Soil Aeration: Earthworms and other burrowing creatures help in the aeration of the soil, making it easier for plant roots to absorb essential nutrients.

2. Farming:

  • Ploughing and Soil Preparation: In many parts of India, especially in rural areas, oxen, buffaloes, and even camels are helpful to plough fields and prepare the soil for sowing crops.
  • Manure Production: Domesticated animals like cows, buffaloes, goats, and poultry provide manure, which is a rich source of organic matter and nutrients for crops.
  • Natural Pest Control: Ducks, for instance, are often introduced into paddy fields where they eat harmful pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.
  • Seed Dispersion: Birds and other animals help in the natural dispersion of seeds, facilitating the growth of diverse plant species.
  • Transport and Labor: In many rural areas, animals like mules, donkeys, and bullocks are helpful for transportation and to carry loads.

3. Ecosystem:

  • Biodiversity: The rich biodiversity of India ensures that there’s a balance in the ecosystem. In addition, every animal, from the largest mammal to the smallest insect, has a role in maintaining this equilibrium.
  • Decomposition: Scavengers like vultures and decomposers like beetles and worms help break down organic matter, returning essential nutrients to the soil.
  • Water Purification: Aquatic animals and certain insects help in keeping water bodies clean by feeding on algae and other contaminants.
  • Climate Moderation: Forests, sustained by a balance of plants and animals, play a crucial role in climate moderation. Elephants, for instance, shape the forest landscape, promoting the growth of certain types of vegetation.
  • Cultural and Religious Significance: In India, many animals have cultural and religious significance. For instance, the cow is revered in Hinduism, and its preservation has indirect ecological benefits.
  • Tourism and Economy: The diverse fauna of India, including the Bengal tiger, Indian elephant, and one-horned rhinoceros, attracts tourists from all over the world, contributing significantly to the nation’s economy.

In conclusion, animals are an integral component of the natural cycle in India, influencing gardening, farming, and the broader ecosystem. Preserving and understanding this intricate relationship is vital for the sustainable future of the country.

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Importance of Animals in Indian Culture

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Animals hold a significant place in Indian culture, history, and religious traditions. Their importance can be observed in various facets of Indian life. Here’s an overview of the significance of animals in Indian culture and how they are venerated:

  1. Religious Significance: Many animals are belongs to with gods and goddesses in Indian mythology and are thus revered.
    • Cow: Considered sacred in Hinduism, the cow symbolizes non-violence and is revered for its nurturing nature, providing milk and its derivatives. Killing or harming cows is a taboo in many parts of India.
    • Elephant: Lord Ganesha, one of the most worshipped deities in Hinduism, has the head of an elephant. Additionally, Elephants are also helpful in temple processions and are considered symbols of strength and wisdom.
    • Monkey: Lord Hanuman, a divine monkey god, is worshipped for his strength, loyalty, and devotion.
    • Snake: Nagas or serpents are revered and belongs to with several gods like Lord Shiva. In addition, Naga Panchami is a festival dedicated to snake worship.
  2. Symbolism in Literature and Art: Indian literature, from ancient scriptures to modern stories, is filled with animal fables and parables that convey moral lessons. Additionally, animals often symbolize qualities like cunningness, bravery, or wisdom.
  3. Festivals and Rituals: Apart from Naga Panchami mentioned above, there are festivals like Pongal where cattle are decorated and worshipped for their role in agriculture. In the northeastern state of Nagaland, the Hornbill Festival is named after the Indian Hornbill bird and celebrates the rich culture of the Naga tribes.
  4. Ahimsa (Non-Violence): The concept of Ahimsa, popularized by leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, is deeply rooted in Indian culture. Jainism, a religion that originated in India, strictly follows the principle of non-violence towards all living beings, including animals.
  5. Ayurveda and Traditional Practices: In ancient Indian medicine, like Ayurveda, animals, and their products have therapeutic uses. However, they are sourced with reverence and respect for the creature.
  6. Totems and Tribal Beliefs: Various tribal communities in India consider certain animals as their totems and protect them. In addition, they believe that the well-being of their tribe is intricately linked to the well-being of their totemic animal.
  7. Animal Motifs in Architecture: Ancient Indian temples and palaces are adorned with intricate carvings, many of which feature animals. In addition, these carvings not only display the artistic abilities of the craftsmen but also reflect the cultural and spiritual significance of these animals.
  8. Yoga: Many yoga poses (asanas) are named after animals, like the Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) or the Eagle Pose (Garudasana). In addition, these poses aim to imbibe the qualities or essence of these animals.
  9. Animal Sanctuaries and Ashrams: Throughout India, there are numerous Gaushalas (cow shelters) and animal ashrams where injured, old, or abandoned animals are taken care of.
  10. Folktales and Stories: From the famous Panchatantra to regional folklore, animals play pivotal roles in stories that impart moral lessons.
To sum it up, animals in Indian culture are not just seen as beasts of burden or creatures of the wild; they are integral to the religious, cultural, and moral fabric of the country. The reverence for animals encourages harmony, coexistence, and respect for all forms of life.

Animals Name in Hindi and English – Importance in Schools

The significance of teaching Animals Name in Hindi and English in Indian schools can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Bilingualism and Multilingualism: India is a linguistically diverse country with 22 officially recognized languages, including Hindi and English. English is often helpful as a medium of instruction in schools and is also an associate official language. Hindi, on the other hand, is the official language of the central government and is spoken by a large percentage of the Indian population. Teaching children Animals Name in Hindi and English fosters bilingualism from a young age, which has cognitive, social, and cultural advantages.
  2. Cultural Identity and Heritage: Knowing animal names in Hindi allows children to connect with Indian literature, folklore, proverbs, and sayings where animals play a significant role. Additionally, this strengthens their cultural identity and helps them appreciate their heritage.
  3. Practicality in Communication: Depending on the region in India and the context, an individual might find themselves switching between languages or even mixing them in daily conversations. This linguistic phenomenon, popular as code-switching or code-mixing, is common in India. Knowledge of Animals Name in Hindi and English equips children for such diverse communication needs.
  4. Cognitive Benefits: Research has shown that bilingualism can lead to cognitive benefits such as better problem-solving skills, improved multitasking abilities, and enhanced memory. Additionally, when children learn animal names in two languages, they are essentially practicing bilingual skills.
  5. Globalization and Modernization: English is an international language, and with globalization, its significance in India has only grown. In addition, knowledge of English, including knowing Animals Name in Hindi and English, enables children to engage better with the global community, be it in the context of higher education, work, or travel.
  6. Curriculum and Competitive Exams: Many competitive exams in India have sections that are in English. Even if the main instruction is in another language, certain terms might appear in their English form. In addition, being familiar with animal names in English could benefit students in such scenarios.
  7. Interconnected World of Media: With the internet and the proliferation of media content, children are constantly exposed to content in both Hindi and English. In addition, knowing terms in both languages helps them better understand and engage with this content.
In summary, teaching Animals Name in Hindi and English in Indian schools is reflective of India’s linguistic diversity, cultural richness, and the practical needs of its people in a globalized world. It’s a small but essential step in ensuring that children are well-equipped to navigate their multifaceted environment.

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Where Would you Need and Require a List of Animals Name in Hindi and English

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There are several contexts and situations where a list of Animals Name in Hindi and English might be beneficial:

  1. Educational Institutions: Teachers often use such lists in schools to teach students bilingual vocabulary, aiding them in understanding both the native and global language contexts.
  2. Translators and Interpreters: Professionals in this field may need such lists to ensure accurate translations of documents, books, or during live interpretations.
  3. Wildlife Conservationists and Researchers: Those working in India might need a list of Animals Name in Hindi and English for presentations, reports, and community engagement activities, especially when liaising with locals and global stakeholders.
  4. Tourism Industry: Tour guides, especially in wildlife sanctuaries and national parks in India, may benefit from a list of Animals Name in Hindi and English to communicate effectively with both domestic and international tourists.
  5. Multimedia Content Creators: Those involved in making documentaries, animations, or other content on wildlife for an Indian audience might find such a list useful to cater to bilingual or multilingual audiences.
  6. Book Publishers and Writers: Especially those involved in children’s literature, field guides, or any content that involves Indian wildlife.
  7. Language Learning Platforms and Apps: Such platforms might use Animals Name in Hindi and English list to build vocabulary exercises for learners interested in both Hindi and English.
  8. Games and Quizzes: For games or quizzes that test knowledge on animals, especially in a diverse linguistic context like India, such a list would be very beneficial.
  9. Cultural Exchange Programs: Participants from other countries who are visiting India might find it interesting and beneficial to know Animals Name in Hindi and English as part of their learning.
  10. Mobile Apps and Websites on Wildlife: A bilingual list can ensure that the content reaches a broader audience.
  11. Zoos and Aquariums: Signboards and information placards in both languages can cater to a wider variety of visitors, enhancing their experience.
  12. Art and Craft Workshops: Instructors teaching artwork based on animals might use such lists to cater to participants who are more comfortable with either of the languages.

A list of Animals Name in Hindi and English essentially aids in bridging the language gap and ensuring effective communication across multiple domains in a diverse country like India.

Animals Name in Hindi and English – FAQs

  1. What is the official script for writing Hindi animal names?
    • Hindi animal names are written using the Devanagari script.
  2. Why is it important to learn animal names in Hindi?
    • Learning animal names in Hindi is important for cultural, educational, and communication reasons, especially if one is interacting within Hindi-speaking regions.
  3. Are there specific animal names that are unique to India and don’t have a direct translation in English?
    • Yes, there are animals native to India whose names might not have a direct English equivalent. Often, their scientific names or descriptive English names are helpful internationally.
  4. How do I pronounce a particular animal name in Hindi?
    • Pronunciation can be learned through various online platforms, dictionaries with audio features, or by interacting with native speakers.
  5. Is there a difference in animal names across various Hindi dialects?
    • While standard Hindi will have common names for animals, regional dialects might have slight variations or entirely different names for the same animal.
  6. How are Hindi animal names helpful in daily conversation?
    • Hindi animal names are commonly helpful in day-to-day conversations, stories, idioms, proverbs, and folklore.
  7. Can I find a comprehensive dictionary or list of Hindi and English animal names?
    • Yes, many online dictionaries and platforms provide bilingual lists of animal names.
  8. Are there idioms or proverbs in Hindi that use animal names?
    • Absolutely! Hindi, like many languages, has idioms and proverbs that incorporate animal names to convey specific meanings or morals.
  9. How are the gender distinctions made in Hindi for animal names?
    • Hindi is a gender-specific language. Animal names might have a masculine or feminine form, and it’s essential to use them correctly in sentences.
  10. Are there any popular children’s songs or rhymes in Hindi that use animal names?
  • Yes, there are numerous children’s songs, rhymes, and stories in Hindi that feature animals and their names.
  1. How are animal sounds described in Hindi?
  • Animal sounds in Hindi might be described differently than in English. For example, dogs go “भौं भौं” (bhaun bhaun) in Hindi, which corresponds to “woof woof” in English.
  1. How does one learn the correct usage of animal names in Hindi sentences?
  • Engaging with Hindi literature, watching Hindi content, interacting with native speakers, or using language learning resources can help in understanding the correct usage.

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