9 Best Indian Herb Garden Plants

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Here is a complete guide for making an Indian herb garden, having all the aromatic herbs used in the Indian Cuisine you can easily grow!

Herbs are the reason Indian food is famous around the globe. These herbs have uses in almost all Indian dishes. They not only add flavor to food but also have a number of medicinal uses. Ayurveda lists a variety of uses, these herbs have in curing different diseases. Here are some of the top ones you can use in your Indian Herb Garden.

1. Holy Basil

Indian herb garden you can grow

An Indian Herb garden is incomplete without Holy basil. It comes at the top of all herbs for its culinary, ayurvedic and medicinal uses. Like holy basil, it is not sweet. It has a peppery flavor with anise aroma. The stems are purple and have long, green, and jagged edge leaves and has uses in preparing stir-fry dishes and spicy soups, salad, cocktails, etc.

How To Grow?

You can sow basil seeds in late summer or early spring. It grows best under loamy soil, with good fertility and excellent drainage capabilities. It needs the nourishment of the full sun.

2. Curry Leaves

Indian herb garden to grow

Curry leaves are best known for their culinary uses in the Indian kitchen. It has an aromatic and pungent-sweet mix taste. The curry leaves are extensively used in preparing chutney, soups, stews, and even dal (pulses). It is fried in oil to exhibit its best flavor. You can also dry the curry leaves and crush them, to use in various dishes.

How To Grow?

Grow Curry leaves in the sunniest spot of your garden. It is grown through seeds or cuttings (stem) and loves humid soil with warm temperature, around 65 F. Always use a potting mix soil of excellent drainage capability.

3. Mint (Pudina)

Indian herb garden 1

India’s love for Mint needs no introduction. It is a tender herb with a delicate stem. When chewed, it leaves a lingering cooling effect on your tongue. Its aromatic flavor enhances the taste of the Chutney, Relishes, Sauces, Moghul rice dishes, etc. It is also used as an ingredient in a refreshing drink or hot tea.

How To Grow?

Mint grows well under temperatures of 15 to 22 C. You can grow Mint by sowing 5-6 inch tip cuttings from a well-grown mint plant. Grow it into well-drained soil, enriched with compost, under full sunlight.

4. Carom (Ajwain)

The carom plant also is popular as Bishop’s weed. It is a herb, having a strong, pungent smell, which you can feel from a distance. Its leaves are of round-shaped ridges, having a fresh herbal taste, whereas its seeds are oval. Its sharp flavor comes from thymol, an essential oil. Carom is one of the vital ingredients in the Indian spice box to prepare many lentil dishes. The carom tea proves to be an effective appetizer as well.

How To Grow?

You can grow Carom through seed or cutting, both. The preferable soil for Carom is a medium-composted loamy soil, with good alkaline percentage. Keep it under a semi-shade of sun and water regularly. The leaves will start growing in about two weeks after sowing. Prune dead leaves from time to time for optimum growth.

5. Fennel

Fennel belongs to the carrot family and is one of the most admired spices in Indian cuisine. It acquires licorice taste, which flavors varieties of dishes. It is also the main ingredient in the preparation of pickles and chutney. People also prefer to chew it directly after a meal, as it kicks-starts the digestion process and cuts the sweet craving.

How To Grow?

Fennel loves the full sun nurturing and moist soil. It prefers acidic and well-drained soil, like the loamy soil. You can plant it in the spring. Fennel plant needs a dose of mild fertilizer and organic matter, from time to time during its growth tenure. Water the plant frequently if the weather is hot and dry.

6. Cilantro

Cilantro also goes by the name of Chinese parsley. It is a delicious herb, usually having uses salads and vegetables for garnishing. You can harvest cilantro throughout the year. Its fresh leaves and dried seeds are the main flavoring substance in pasta salads, rice dishes, etc.

How To Grow?

Cilantro grows in cold weather, under a partial sunshade. The soil pH should be from 6.2 to 6.8. The soil should also be loamy. Its popular varieties are ‘Santo’ and ‘festival.’ The best planting time is from spring to fall. Plant the seeds 3- 4 inches apart and supply nitrogen-based fertilizer to it, twice in a month.

7. Dill

Dill is also famous as Shebu Bhaji in India. The other names include Suva, Savaa, and Soa Bhaji. It is an annual that is grown for its uses in soups, curries, and pickles. It is best to use dill when it is fresh as it loses its flavor as it dries. The major producing states of Dill in India are Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Assam, and West Bengal.

How To Grow?

Dill can be successfully cultivated in hot climates. You can also grow it in partial shade, however, it may reduce the yield of the plant. The soil needs to be fertile and well-drained. Water the plant well and use Gobar Ki Khaad while planting and in the growing stage.

8. Lemongrass

Lemongrass is one of the most commercially cultivated crops in India. It mainly grows in Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, UP, Assam, Karnataka, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh. It is also famous as Gandhatrina, Nimma Gaddi, Cochin Grass, and Gavati Chaha. The plant also has a variety of medicinal uses and offers multiple health benefits as well.

How To Grow?

It requires a warm and humid climate to grow with a sandy loamy or red soil with lots of organic matter like Gobar ki Khaad. You can plant it in May or the first week of June. Water the plant thoroughly and ensure that it is never going dry.

9. Musk Fenugreek (Kasturi Maithi)

Kasturi Maithi is quite a popular herb in India. It has several uses as a flavoring substance in curries, and its young pods are also popular as a veggie. It is also rich in Vitamin C and helps to reduce cholesterol and preventing diabetes, making it one of the Best Indian Herb Garden Plants. The largest producing states are Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, and UP.

How To Grow?

Kasturi Maithi requires a frost-free climate to thrive. A sandy loam soil with a pH 6.0-7.0 is best for the plant. Sow the seeds in the last week of October to the first week of November for the Northern parts of India. For southern regions, June to July is the best time. Water the plant moderately and make sure there is a proper drainage facility.

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