Planting and Care of Red Peacock Plant | Growing Aglaonema Widuri

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Growing Aglaonema Widuri is one of the best ways to invite a colorful vibe indoors. Let’s have a look at all the details on the Planting and Care of Red Peacock Plant.

Planting and Care of Red Peacock Plant

Aglaonema Widuri is quite popular for its colorful leaves having unique patterns. If you want a handsome tabletop plant, then here’s all the information on Planting and Care of Red Peacock Plant.

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What is Red Peacock Plant?

As the name suggests, this cultivar features showy, oval leaves flushed in red-green color. It is one of the best plant for low lit offices and homes, where it won’t mind dwelling in bright and indirect light all day long.

Botanical Name: Aglaonema Widuri

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Propagating Red Peacock

Stem Cutting

Snip off 5-7 inches long cutting from the plant. Discard all the leaves except a few at the top, and plant it in a well-draining growing medium. Water well and cover the container with plastic to retain moisture. Place the pot in bright, indirect sunlight. You will witness new plant growth in 3-4 weeks.

Root Division

Take the whole plant out of the container, and shake off the excess soil from the rootball. Using a sanitized shear, separate a root section from the mother plant and plant it into a separate filled with quality potting mix. The new division should be kept humid, warm, and moist until it becomes pretty established.

Planting and Care of Red Peacock Plant



The plant does well in bright, indirect sunlight. You can also expose it to direct morning sunlight for a few hours for the best colors. Make sure you are not keeping the plant in a dark spot all day long.


As a thumb rule, water the plant only when the topsoil feels dry to touch. Avoid watering the plant on daily basis. If you spot the curling of the leaves, then it is a clear sign of underwatering.


The red peacock loves to thrive in well-draining, loose, and moderately fertile soil media. Any general-purpose houseplant potting mix will work here. Mostly, soil media containing a significant amount of peat, sand, and perlite is optimum.

Climate and Humidity

15-25 C temperature range is optimum for peacock plants. Also, the plant enjoys a high humidity level of more than 60%. Thus, you can easily elevate it with the help of a humidifier or water pebble tray.

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Red Peacock Care

Planting and Care of Red Peacock Plant 2


Use a balanced liquid fertilizer like 10-10-10, diluted to half of its strength, once in 4-6 weeks. Avoid feeding the plant during winters.


Remove old and yellowing leaves from the plant when you spot them. Also, pinch back some shoots to maintain their compact shape and stimulate new growth.

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Pests and Diseases

Although this plant is pest resistant, red spider mites and aphids can occasionally attack if the climate is dry. However, these pests are easy to deal with and can be eradicated using a strong jet of water or manual picking.

Avoid overwatering the plant to keep fungal issues at bay.

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