How to Grow Tej Patta Plant | Growing Bay Leaf Plant

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Learn How to Grow Tej Patta Plant in your home and use its fresh leaves in a variety of dishes for an enhanced flavor! Let’s have a look at all the details on Growing Bay Leaf Plant.

How to Grow Tej Patta Plant

Bay leaves are the stars of the Indian spice rack and impart essence and aroma to several dishes. As they taste best when they are fresh, Growing Bay Leaf Plant at home is the perfect way to get the rich flavor. Learn all about How to Grow Tej Patta Plant in India.

Botanical Name: Cinnamomum tamala

Common Names: Indian bay leaf, Tejpat, Tejapatta, laurel leaf, Malabar leaf, Indian cassia, Malabathrum

Know about Plants with Edible Leaves Here

How to Grow Tej Patta Plant?

From Cutting

Snip off 4-6 inches long cutting in early summer. Remove all the leaves leaving a few at the top. Dip the cut section in a rooting hormone, plant it in a well-draining potting mix, and mist thoroughly. Keep the planter in bright, but indirect sunlight. It may take a couple of months to form new shoots.

From Air Layering

Select any healthy, long stem that is one to two years old. Remove all the offshoots and buds. Apply some rooting hormone, place the cutting in moist sphagnum moss, and wrap it with plastic. Place the container in a bright, and ventilated area. The new roots will grow in a few weeks.

Growing Requirements of Tej Patta Plant


Tej Patta does best in 3-5 hours of full sun. More sunlight leads to more intense flavor. Make sure you are not growing it in a shaded spot.


It is a good idea to keep the soil slightly moist for a flavorful taste. Water when top one to two inches of the growing medium feels dry to touch. Do not overwater as it will cause root rot.


Bay leaf plant requires well-draining and fertile soil with 6-7 pH. You can go for sandy to loamy soil amended with well-rotted cow dung manure or compost.

Can You Eat Pumpkin Leaves? Know Here 

Taking Care of Tej Patta Plant

How to Grow Tej Patta Plant 2


Use 24-8-16 fertilizer, diluted to half of its strength, thrice a year. Make sure to moist the soil before applying the fertilizer. Avoid feeding during the afternoon, as it can burn the plant. You can also use fish emulsion.


Re-pot the plant once every two years, as soon as it becomes root-bound. Take one size larger pot than the current one. Also, use a fresh soil mix amended with manure or compost.

Pests and Diseases

The plant gets affected by scales, mites, and aphids. Use neem oil or soap solution to get rid of them. To avoid any fungal issues, avoid overwatering the plant.

Harvesting Tej Patta Plant 

You can start harvesting the leaves only after 2 years during May and June, although you can pick them up in any season.

To dry them up, place the leaves on paper for about 2-3 weeks in a warm, ventilated, and dry room. Once done, grind and store them in an air-tight container for later use.

3 thoughts on “How to Grow Tej Patta Plant | Growing Bay Leaf Plant”

  1. I have dry round spots on many of my tej patta plant, What could be the reason. It was getting a lot of the morning sun and enough water.

  2. I really meant ‘on many of the leaves on my tej patta plant. What could be the reason? It gets a lot of the morning sun and just enough water. I live in Noida, UP.


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