How to Grow Nerve Plant | Taking Care of Fittonia

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Fittonia is one of the most stunning houseplants you can grow! Here’s a detailed guide on How to Grow Nerve Plant all year round to help you maintain it with ease!

How to Grow Nerve Plant

Fittonia is quite famous for its spectacular display of foliage. If you too like the plant and want to include it in your rooms, then here’s all you need to know about How to Grow Nerve Plant!

Have a look at the best foliage plants here

Nerve Plant Information

Fittonia is a slow-growing, evergreen specimen that is easy to care for and also low maintenance. It features deep green leaves with contrasting silver-white, red, pink, and green veins, depending upon the cultivar. Nerve plant belongs to the tropical rainforests and imitating their native conditions is the best way to grow them successfully.

How to Propogate Nerve Plant?


You can propagate nerve plants using leaf-cutting in early summers. With the help of a sanitized shear, snip away 4-6 inches long cutting from a healthy plant with at least two leaf nodes.

Apply rooting hormone on the cut portion and plant it in a pot filled with a peat-based potting mix. Mist the soil and keep it in the bright, indirect sunlight. The cutting will form roots in 3-4 weeks.

If you want to save time, buy a well-grown plant from a local nursery.

Growing Requirements of Nerve Plant

How to Grow Nerve Plant 2


The plant is native to tropical forests and dwells under the canopy of trees. To mimic the same atmosphere, keep it at a bright location that gets indirect sun. Avoid keeping the plant in the harsh afternoon light. It would be great if you can provide it with 2-3 hours of the direct morning sun.


Water the plant thoroughly whenever the topsoil feels dry to touch. However, make sure that you are not overwatering the plant or letting it go completely dry.


The growing medium should be well-draining. Use a peat moss-based standard potting mix for best growth. You can also DIY by mixing equal parts of regular potting soil, peat moss, coarse sand, and organic matter like humus or compost.


The plant does best in the temperature range of 15-35 C. Keeping the pot atop a tray filled with water and pebbles or regular misting will be beneficial for the plant’s healthy growth.

Tip: The plant loves a humid environment. Hence you can also locate it in any bright bathroom!

Taking Care of Nerve Plant


The plant is not a heavy feeder. Use a balanced, liquid fertilizer like 5-5-5, diluted to half of its strength. Refer to the label for detailed instructions. You can apply it once a month and avoid feeding the plant in winter.


Pinch off the tips to foster bushier and compact growth. Pinching the buds also encourages more foliar growth.

Pests and Diseases

Nerve plants are prone to fungus, mealybugs, and aphids. Using a strong jet of water will take care of the pests. You can also use neem oil solution. To keep most of the diseases at bay, avoid overwatering the plant and provide plenty of air circulation.

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