How to Grow Kadamba Tree | Growing Burflower Tree

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

With beautiful and unique flowers, the Burflower tree can be a great addition to your large garden. Here are all the details on How to Grow Kadamba Tree.

How to Grow Kadamba Tree

Indigenous to Asian countries, Kadamba is a tropical, evergreen tree with upright growth and spreading branches. It is an ornamental and medicinal tree that can grow up to 30-60 feet once it establishes well. The tree features glossy, opposite green leaves, with globe-shaped flowers coming in clusters during rainy seasons. This yellow-orange inflorescence gives out a pleasant fragrance, attracting pollinators. Kadamba Tree also has extensive uses in perfumery and decorating women’s coiffures. It also bears edible and slightly acidic fruits. Let’s have a look at How to Grow Kadamba Tree!

Botanical Name: Neolamarckia cadamba

Other Names: Burflower, Laran, Leichhardt pine, Rudrakskamba, Katampu, Vellai

Religious Significance of Kadamba Tree

Kadamba Tree is considered sacred in India, as mentioned in the Hindu text ‘Bhagvad Puran‘. Many ancient verses reveal that Hindu deities Krishna and Radha used to play in the shades of the scented flowering Kadamba tree.

It also finds its place in an episode where Krishna steals the clothes of gopi and hides in the tree barks. Kadamba Tree has mentions in numerous Sanskrit and Hindi stories, paintings, poems, and artifacts.

One of the famous is ‘Yeh Kadamb ka ped agar maa Hota Yamuna tire‘ from Subhadrkumari Chouhan.

Kadamba Tree Propagation

The best way to grow Kadamba Tree is to purchase seedlings from the local nursery. They have a high survival rate.

The tree grows best from seed sowing. Seeds are first extracted from the fruits, followed by drying and crushing. The process maximizes the germination chances of the seeds. They germinate in 3-4 weeks.

Kadamba Tree Care and Growing Requirements

How to Grow Kadamba Tree 2


Kadamba Tree can grow in a wide variety of soil, including sandy and loamy. It prefers well-draining soil and is especially seen growing mostly near river banks in the alluvial soil.


Since the tree grows near river banks, the seedlings prefer slightly consistent wet or moist soil. Water regularly and check the consistency of the soil by poking a 1-inch finger in the soil. Avoid overwatering as it can invite fungal diseases.


Kadamba Tree grows best when the mean temperature is around 23°c (73° F) with 1,600mm annual rainfall. The tree dwells in a moist and warm tropic environment and is sensitive to frost and drought.


The younger seedlings need shady areas and protection from the hot sun rays to germinate and develop. A mature Kadamba Tree grows well in a bright spot with a semi-shade.

Kadamba Tree Uses

  • Apart from attracting pollinators, its fragrant flowers are useful in making an essential oil and Indian perfumery known as attar.
  • The timber of the Kadamba tree finds extensive uses in making plywood, paper, crates, furniture, and pencil.
  • The extract from the root bark is useful in making yellow dye.
  • The fast growth and huge structure of the Kadamba tree finds extensive uses in reforestation and windbreaks projects.
  • According to Ayurveda and research, the dried bark and leaves extract of Kadamba Tree helps relieve fever, ulcer, and digestive problems.

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