How to Grow Crassula Ovata | Growing Jade Plant

Last Updated: 28.12.2023

Learn How to Grow Crassula Ovata, and the beauty of its lush foliage and woody stems indoors. It is also very easy to maintain!

How to Grow Crassula Ovata

Glossy, green, and fleshy leaves of the jade plant make a wonderful statement in the lawns, gardens, and houses. If you want to include this beautiful specimen in your plant collection, then here’s How to Grow Crassula Ovata effortlessly!

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Crassula Ovata

The fleshy green leaves on the thick and woody branches give the jade plant a miniature tree-like appearance. It looks appealing when accompanied by pink blooms in springs. Forgiving by nature, this fortunate plant is passed from generation to generation, thanks to its long lifespan!

Common Names: Jade Plant, Money Plant, Lucky Money Plant, Lucky Plant, Friendship Tree, Pink Joy

Propagating Crassula Ovata


Propagate jade plants during spring or early summer for the best result.

From Leaf Cutting

Snip off an entire leaf from a healthy jade plant – if the leaf is broken from the middle or bottom, then the leaf will not root. Now, take a seedling tray and fill it with half parts of vermiculture and potting soil each.

Dip the cut section of the leaf in a rooting hormone and lay it on the soil so that the cut section gets buried. Mist it thoroughly and keep at any bright indirect sunlight. It will form roots in 3-4 weeks.

From Stem Cutting

Cut back 4-5 inches long healthy stem of the jade plant using a clean shear. Remove all the bottom leaves. Now, let the cutting dry for a day so that it forms a callus. Put the cutting’s end in a rooting hormone and plant it in a pot filled with equal parts of perlite, coarse sand, and potting soil. Water thoroughly and keep it in any bright, indirect sunlight.

Note: Though you can easily propagate the jade plants from cuttings, purchasing a healthy plant from a nursery is the best way to grow it!

Growing Requirements of Jade Plant

How to Grow Crassula Ovata 2


Crassula ovata requires bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. Keeping it near an east-facing window or location will allow the plant to get morning sun. Also, avoid keeping the plant in a harsh afternoon light for long hours as it will scorch its foliage.


Water it whenever the topsoil feels dry to touch. Avoid overwatering as it can cause root rot since the leaves already retain enough water for drought days. Water it frequently during summers and springs, but reduce the rate in winters.


Jade plant prefers well-draining, aerated soil with 6-7 pH. Go for a potting mix commercially designed for cacti and succulent. You can make one at home by blending 3-parts of regular potting soil, 2-parts of coarse sand, and 1 part of perlite.


The Jade plant does well in the tropical climate of India. It thrives optimum in the temperature range of 65-75 F (18-25 C). Make sure that the temperature does not drop below 10 C during winters or provide protection from cold by shifting it to the garage or any warmer spot.


As the plant grows quite slow, 4-6 inches of pot will be a good start. Re-pot it to one size bigger container when it outgrows the old one. Make sure the plant has ample drainage holes at the bottom to escape excess water out.

Crassula Ovata Care


Jade is not a heavy feeder, but fertilizing it with a regular, all-purpose liquid fertilizer (like 20-20-20 or 10-20-10) diluted to 1/4 (25%) of its recommended strength, once in 40-60 days, will aid in its growth.


Trim away the dying leaves and branches from time to time to make the plant look neat. It also keeps the plant healthy and makes it grow bushy.

Pests and Diseases

Jade plant is susceptible to spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids attacks. To knock them off the plant, use a strong jet of water. If the problem persists, you can use a neem oil solution if the infestation is widespread.

Some Points to Note in Jade Plant Care

  1. If the leaves are turning yellow, get shriveled, and dropping from the plant, it may be an indication of less watering.
  2. If the leaves look squishy and going translucent, then it can be due to overwatering.
  3. Do not water the plant deeply just after planting or repotting. Give the plant 3-4 days to establish its roots.
  4. Avoid spilling the water on the leaves, as it invites fungal and other pest problems.

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