How to Grow Cockscomb in India | Growing Celosia Cristata

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Here’s our detailed guide on How to Grow Cockscomb in India that will help you add the beautiful colors of Celosia Cristata in your garden all year round!

How to Grow Cockscomb

Celosia cristata is popular for its spectacular flowers that come in red, orange, yellow, and purple shades. If you want a plant that’s easy to grow and blooms for a really long time, then here’s all you need to know about How to Grow Cockscomb in India!

How to Propagate Cockscomb

Using a sanitized knife or shear, snip off 4-6 inches long cutting from the stem. Remove the bottom leaves, dip the cutting in a rooting hormone and plant it in a well-draining potting mix. Make sure it receives ample bright sunlight and misting periodically. It will take around three t0 four weeks to develop new shoots.

You can also grow the plant from seeds but it is a time-consuming process. The best bet is to buy a well-grown plant from a nursery.

Growing Requirements of Cockscomb


For best flowers, the more sunlight it is going to get, the better it is. 4-5 hours of direct light on every day basis is great. Do make sure that the plant is safe from the scorching afternoon sun of Indian summers.


The plant is not fussy about the growing medium and can do well in regular garden soil. For best growth, use sandy soil with plenty of organic matter. You can also use standard potting soil for growing cockscomb in containers.


Water the plant only when the topsoil feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering, as it may cause fungal issues. Also, avoid spilling water on the foliage.

Cockscomb Care

How to Grow Cockscomb 2


Topdress using organic matter like compost to enrich the soil quality. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted to half of its strength, once every 5-6 weeks. Do refer to the label for instructions. Avoid feeding the plant in winters.


To foster more blooming deadhead spent blooms when you spot them. This will encourage the plant to grow fresh flowers.

Pests and Diseases

Slug, snail, aphids, and mites are some of the common pests that attack cockscombs. Use neem oil or insecticidal soap solution to deter them. Cockscomb can catch powdery mildew or root rot if overwatered.

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