How to Grow and Care for Lanzones | Growing Longkong

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Famous for its sweet and sour fruits, Langsat is quite popular in India. Here’s all the information you need on How to Grow and Care for Lanzones.

How to Grow and Care for Lanzones

The Langsat tree is famous in Southeast Asia for its oval-shaped edible fruits that can be relished raw or preserved as syrups. If you too want to grow this tree, then here’s all you need to know on How to Grow and Care for Lanzones.

Botanical Name: Lansium domesticum

Other Names: Langsat, Lansa, Lanzon, Lansium

How to Grow a Lanzones Tree

Though you can grow the tree from seeds, it will take 10-12 years for the fruits to appear. The best bet is to get a well-grown plant from a nearby nursery.

Growing Requirements for Lanzones


Opt for any sunny and bright place where it can avail 4-6 hours of full sun, but protect it from afternoon scorching rays. Also, if growing indoors, any southwest-facing window will serve just right.


Lanzone plant responds well to slightly moist soil. Just make sure that it is not standing in stagnant water, as it can cause fungal problems. Check the moisture consistency by touching topsoil – if it feels dry, water it deeply.


The plant prefers rich, slightly acidic, and  well-draining soil, with water-retentive property for optimal growth. Any sandy to loamy soil amended with organic matter like compost or well-rotted manure can be used.


It does best in the 20 – 35°C range. However, the plant can thrive in the wide temperature spectrum of 12 – 40°C. Lanzones belongs to the humid tropical regions of the rainforest and performs well in the Indian climate as well, provided with full sun, high humidity, and moist soil.

Lanzones Tree Care

How to Grow and Care for Lanzones 2


Apply compost or well-rotted manure periodically for best results. Application of high potassium and phosphorus fertilizer during its fruiting season will help greatly.


Once the tree attains maturity, you can prune broken and diseased branches. As the tree has an upper growth habit, pruning will encourage some lateral growth too.

Flower Thinning

Some experts suggest removing the extra clusters of flowers from the small branches, as the energy of the tree diverts more here, and sometimes cause deformities in the fruits.

Pests and Diseases

The plant is susceptible to attack from aphids, moths, bark borers, and ants. You can either use a strong jet of water using a garden hose or use neem oil or soap solution to ward them off.

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