How to Grow Pansy Flower in India

Last Updated: 11.03.2024
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Chandrima, a flower enthusiast and writer at India Gardening with over 5 years of content writing experience. She combines her love for flowers with her background in gardening and literary expertise to create informative content. In addition to her passion for gardening, she's an aspiring traveler and nature lover.

Here’s all you need to know about growing Pansy Flower. We also have the answer to Pansy Flower in Hindi!

Pansy Flower
shutterstock/Olga Miltsova


The Pansy Flower is an extravagant species of blossoming plant. Its claim to fame is its gorgeous, velvet-textured flowers. Pansies are very easy to grow and maintain and hence are commonly found in gardens across the globe.

Botanical Name: Viola tricolor var. hortensis

Common Names: Pansy, Johnny-jump-up, heartsease, and love-in-idleness

Pansy Flower Information

Pansies are a type of flowering plant in the Viola genus of the Violaceae family. They are native to Europe and Asia, where they have been cultivated for hundreds of years. They come in a wide variety of colors, including white, yellow, purple, pink, and blue.

Pansy Flowers are biennial or annual plants, depending on the climate and soil conditions. They are typically grown from seed, and they can be planted in the spring or fall.

Pansy Flower in Hindi

If you are wondering what pansy flower in hindi is called, the answer is “Banphool.” However, pansy flower meaning in hindi might be different in various parts of the country.

Propagating Pansy Flower

shutterstock/Olga Miltsova

Pansy Flowers can be very easily propagated through seeds. The following are the steps that will help you grow pansy flowers at home:

  1. Find a commercial planting tray or container and fill it with commonly obtained potting mix. Then add perlite in plentiful quantities to make sure that the soil is well draining.
  2. Add water to the soil mixture and let it dry evenly until it is slightly moist.
  3. Gently scatter the pansy flower seeds over the surface of the soil and lightly cover them with the potting mix or sand.
  4. Use a clear plastic sheet to cover the container or tray so as to lock in moisture. Also, to help the seeds germinate, use damp newspaper to provide a shady environment.
  5. At this point in time, provide a warm environment for the seeds to germinate. The ideal temperature at the moment should be 70°F to 75°F that is 21°C to 24°c.
  6. You should be vigilant about the amount of water the plant should receive. Using a spray bottle to spray a fine mist over the soil to keep the humidity is recommended. If the soil gets too dry, the seeds will not germinate. On the other hand, if excess water is poured, it will lead to seed rot, therefore not letting the seeds germinate.
  7. After 20 days or so, the seeds will begin germinating.
  8. Resume care as usual once they begin to mature.

Requirements For Growing Pansy Flowers



Pansy Flowers require about 4-6 hours of sunlight daily, but they thrive better in cool environments. Provide them with full morning sunlight. It is advisable to shelter the plant from bright and direct afternoon light.


Pansy flowers prefer well-draining, nutrient-rich soil that has a neutral pH level. Before planting, you should mix organic matter such as compost, peat, or manure into the soil to help improve its texture and fertility. The soil should be kept evenly moist but not soggy.

The pH level of the soil should be around 5.5 to 6.2, making it slightly acidic.


Pansies are quite drought-tolerant, so you don’t need to water them too often. In the heat of summer, check the soil around your plants every few days. If it’s dry an inch or two below the soil surface, it’s time to water. Give the plants a good soaking, allowing water to penetrate to a depth of at least 6 inches.

Water in the morning so the foliage has time to dry before nightfall. Avoid using a sprinkler, as it can damage the petals.

Temperature and Humidity

Pansy flowers prefer temperatures between 60°F (15°C) and 70°F (21°C). The optimal humidity for pansy flowers is between 50% and 70%. High humidity can cause the flowers to rot.

Pansy Flower Care

shutterstock/Evgeny Murtola


The best fertilizer for Pansy Flower is a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer applied at the rate of 2 pounds per 100 square feet of the flower bed. This should be done at least once a month during the growing season.


1. Begin by removing the Pansy Flower from its current pot. Gently loosen the soil around the roots with your fingers and ease the plant out of the pot. Be careful not to damage the roots.

2. Once the Pansy Flower is removed, inspect the roots for any signs of damage or disease. Trim away any damaged or diseased roots with a pair of scissors.

3. Choose a pot for your pansy that is slightly larger than its current pot. Make sure the pot has drainage holes in the bottom.

4. Place a piece of broken pottery or a small rock in the bottom of the pot to help with drainage.

5. Fill the pot with light and well-draining potting mix. Water the potting mix until it is moist but not soggy.

6. Place the Pansy Flower in the pot, ensuring the roots are evenly distributed. Fill in around the roots with potting mix.

7. Water the pansy until the soil is moist. Allow the excess water to drain out.

8. Place the pansy in an area that receives bright light but is not in direct sunlight.


To prune pansy flowers, start by removing any dead or diseased flowers and foliage. Cut off any stems that are weak or damaged. Then, use sharp pruning shears to trim the stems back to a healthy length, making sure to leave a few sets of leaves per stem.

If the stems are long and straggly, cut them back to just a few inches above soil level. Finally, remove any faded or discolored flowers to encourage new growth.

Pests and Diseases

The Pansy Flower is a target of many pests and diseases.

Some of the pests that attack this beautiful are:

Some of the diseases that the pansy is prone to are:

Spraying the plant with insecticidal soap once in a while may prevent infestations. Also, planting nectar plants can attract predators that feed on these tiny pests can be beneficial. Be on the look for infestation symptoms and control them using the necessary products and steps.

Pansy Flower Uses

Pansy Flower 2

Pansy flowers are edible and can be used as decorations on salads, cakes, and other food dishes. The flowers can also be used as a mild-tasting tea.

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