Pomegranate Season in India | How to Grow Pomegranate in India

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

One of the favorite fruits of the masses, learn about the Pomegranate Season in India to enjoy this tasty and healthy “Anar”!

What is Pomegranate?

Pomegranate season in India

The Scientific Name of the Pomegranate is Punica granatum. It is a deciduous shrub that produces granular fruits. It is native to the northern part of India and is being cultivated from ancient times. This fruit is rich in nutrients with beautiful red arils that are compactly packed inside the outer cover. Let’s know about the Pomegranate Season in India.

Common Indian Names: Anar, Kamphoi, Madulai, Dalimb, Danimma

Pomegranate Cultivation

The fruit grows best in tropical and subtropical kind of climate. Pomegranate Cultivation in India takes place in many states–Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andra Pradesh, Gujarat, etc. Maharashtra is the Largest Producer of Pomegranate in India, districts like Sholapur and Nasik in Maharashtra cultivate 65-70 % of the total commercial production of the country.

How to Grow Pomegranate in India?

If you are wondering how to grow pomegranates, here are all the requirements for growing pomegranates.


As already discussed, the fruit is native to north India. Thus it works well under tropical and subtropical climatic conditions. So the temperature ranging between 15-25° is considered ideal for growing pomegranates. But just like any other tropical fruit, it can not survive cold temperatures.


The fruit is hard to grow in tightly packed or clay soils and prefers light, porous, and well-draining soil. Deep and nutrient-rich loamy or alluvial soil are ideal for growing pomegranate. However, the acidity of the soil does not affect plant growth much. The soils ranging between the pH of 5.5-7 are more favorable to their growth.


Pomegranate needs a proper amount of the sun to grow. So you should choose a space where your plant gets full sunlight. Even though the tree requires full sun, it can also survive in partial shade according to the need of the climate.


These trees do not require much amount of water once they establish themselves. But you need to provide ample irrigation to them in their growing stages, more carefully during the period of minimal rainfall.


You can propagate these plants easily by both seeds and cuttings. Acquire the seeds from a ripe fruit by separating the pulp and sun-drying the seeds on a paper towel, and they are ready to plant. However, for a better pomegranate plantation, it is advisable to buy some well-crafted trees that you can easily find in any nearby nursery. Growing your plants like this will not only assure the guaranteed growth but also ensure quality fruits for you!

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Pomegranate Tree Care


These plants are not heavy feeders and are very less demanding when it comes to fertilizers. You can keep your plants organic by providing them with regular doses of rotted cow dung manure.


Pomegranate season in India

It is essential to prune the plants, as it helps in encouraging fruiting and flowering. Pruning the dead parts of this plant is also a good idea as they use the stored energy of the plant that can otherwise be used to encourage plant growth.

Pests and Diseases

Fruit flies, whiteflies, and pomegranate flies may affect the plant; otherwise, they are not very prone to diseases. The most common problem in pomegranate is the fruit crack, which mostly occurs due to the lack of moisture in the substrate of the plant at the time of fruiting.

Pomegranate Season in India

You can find the pomegranate plantations in India throughout the year. However, the best quality pomegranates hit markets during the monsoon season. The seeds for these fruits are planted in February and March. The fruits, in the state of Maharashtra, are cultivated throughout the year.

Also Read: Best Trees for Home Garden 

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