Does Mangosteen Grow in India | Mangosteen Cultivation in India

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Does Mangosteen Grow in India is an often asked question. Learn all about this exotic and relishable fruit in the following article!

What is Mangosteen?

Does Mangosteen Grow in India

Mangosteen, which is also called as purple mangosteen, is a slow-growing tropical tree with a pyramid-like crown. The Scientific Name of Mangosteen is Garcinia mangostana. It is an exotic evergreen tree praised worldwide for its beautiful juicy and purple fruits, with a sweet-sour taste. The fruit is a native to Southeast Asia. The History of Mangosteen goes to the extent of saying that Queen Victoria was so fond of the fruit that she would award a knighthood to the person who bestows her with fresh stocks. To all our surprise, it is also found in India. Let’s know how Does Mangosteen Grow in India in this article.

Cultivation of Mangosteen

If you are wondering, Does Mangosteen grow in India? The answer is-Yes! The fruits grow in the southwestern part of India. The climatic conditions in the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu are typically tropical, with high humidity and average rainfall. These conditions are suitable for growing this rare fruit, and thus it is widely cultivated in these regions.

How to Grow Mangosteens

The following are the requirements for growing these fruits in India.


The fruit is tropical and requires a moderate climate. It needs high humidity and an average temperature that ranges between 5- 35° C. The fruit can do well in average rainfall, but long droughts can affect the productivity of the tree.


Mangosteens can do well under shade also. Unlike the fully-grown trees, the young plants may not be able to survive in direct sunlight. So keep your plants under shade or in a spot where they get indirect or filtered sunlight. On average, the plants need up to 13 hours of sun exposure every day.


A sandy loam, fertile soil with a good amount of Organic matter, is ideal for growing Mangosteens. The plants are going to do even better in well-draining soil with a slightly acidic pH.


Make sure to water the plants properly, as the availability of the water can affect the growth of the plant. They do not survive in standing waters and may die. So rewater your plants only when the topsoil is dry. But if you are growing mangosteen from seed, keep the soil moist, as the young saplings require constant moisture. Another thing to take care of while watering the plant is to use freshwater only. Saline waters can adversely affect the growth of the plant


You can add fertilizer to your mangosteen plants to boost the growth and provide them with the required adequate nutrition. If you wish to eat the organic fruits from your orchard, you can provide the plant with rotted cow dung manure/ gobar khaad instead of using the chemical-based fertilizers from the market.


The propagation of mangosteen plants from seeds is a bit difficult, as the “seeds” per se are not the true seeds; thus, planting them may not result in anything. So, to be sure, it is best to buy a tree from your nearby nursery and propagate it to get a quality plant with assured growth.

How to Harvest Mangosteen

Does Mangosteen Grow in India in seasons

Mangosteen is slow-growing, and the young trees may take at least two years to reach a height of 12 inches. It is generally the time when these trees can be transplanted. After the transplantation, these trees may take up to 7-9 years to fruit. But once they start, there are usually two fruiting seasons in India. First fruiting takes place from July to October that is the monsoon season, and the other happens during the months of April-June.

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