Growing Belle of India Jasmine Plant Easily

Last Updated: 14.12.2023

Here’s a complete guide on Growing Belle of India Jasmine Plant that will help you cultivate this highly fragrant plant easily in the garden!

Growing Belle of India Jasmine Plant

If you are a fan of fragrant flowers, then Growing Belle of India Jasmine Plant is a must! Here are all the details to help you out!

Botanical Name: Jasmine sambac ‘Belle of India’  

Belle of India Jasmine Plant 

Belle of India is a type of Arabian Jasmine. It is a highly fragrant plant popular for its double flowers that have a milky white hue. What makes them stand out more is their contrasting look with the dark green and glossy foliage, which truly makes the plant stand out in the garden!

Learn all about growing Orange Jasmine here

Growing Belle of India Jasmine Plant

The best method of Growing Belle of India Jasmine Plant is using cuttings. You can also grow it from seeds but it can be a lengthy and time-consuming process.

  • Cut 5-7 inches long cutting from a healthy plant in summer using a sanitized shear. Remove all the lower leaves and keep the ones on the top.
  • Dip the end in a rooting hormone and plant it in a pot or directly in the garden.
  • Water well and make sure it gets plenty of bright and indirect light.
  • New shoots will appear after a couple of weeks from the day of planting.

Pro Tip: The best bet is to get a well-grown plant from a nursery to save time and effort.

Requirements for Growing Belle of India Jasmine Plant



If you want the best flowers, make sure it gets a minimum of 3-5 hours of bright and direct sunlight every day. Though it can also grow in shade but it won’t bloom that much.


Use go for sterile loamy-sandy soil, amended with plenty of organic matter like compost, aged manure, chopped bark, or leaf mulch. This will give the plant all the nutrients it needs for lush growth.


The plant will grow best when the soil is slightly on the moist side all the time. Water the plant whenever top 1-2 inches of the soil feels dry to touch. Avoid overwatering.


This plant belongs to the tropical and sub-tropical climate and grows best in the temperature range of 15-35 C.

Taking Care of Belle of India Jasmine Plant

Growing Belle of India Jasmine Plant 2
shutterstock/Phonpipat Jampatip


Feeding these plants throughout their growing season will help them in attractive blooming. Use a liquid fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 5-10-10 or 5-10-5, once in 6-8 weeks. Avoid fertilizing the plant in winters.


The plant does not need extensive pruning, but proper trimming will make it look beautiful. Get rid of dead and damaged leaves and stems from time to time, depending on the growth of the plant. Do not snip away more than one-eighth of the total growth per year.

Pests and Diseases

The plant can be susceptible to scales, whiteflies, and roundworms. Use a neem oil solution to get rid of them

Avoid keeping the plant in waterlogged soil to avoid any potential diseases.

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