How to Grow Sahadevi ka Ped | Growing Little Ironweed

Last Updated: 07.03.2024

Sahadevi ka Ped might look like an unwanted weed in the garden but it holds a lot of medicinal potential. Here’s how to grow Little Ironweed.

Sahadevi ka Ped

Sahadevi ka Ped in English is popular as little ironweed. It is a species of perineal plant in the sunflower family native to tropical Africa and Tropical Asia, including India, Indochina, and Sri Lanka. Let’s have a look at how to grow it easily.

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Sahadevi ka Ped Information  

Sahadevi ka Ped produces arrays of flower heads with pink or purple hues. It is one of the best drought-tolerant plants you can grow in the garden that also attracts bees and butterflies.

According to a research, Sahadevi ka Ped contains considerable potential as an antithesis of free radicals and may have prospective clinical use as a preventive medicine against various degenerative diseases and tissue aging.

Another study claims that Little Ironweed is a remedy for many ailments. It has been reported to possess numerous biological properties including diaphoretic, anthelmintic, diuretic, lithontriptic, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities.

Botanical Name: Cyanthillium cinereum

How to Grow Sahadevi ka Ped?

The best way to grow these plants is from seeds. Get them from a local nursery and sow them in a well-draining potting mix. Water well and keep the container where it gets plenty of sunlight. They will germinate in 2-3 weeks.

To save time, you can also buy a plant from a nursery.

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Requirements to Grow Sahadevi ka Ped



Being a flowering plant, Little Ironweed grows best in full sunlight. Make sure it gets a minimum of 5-6 hours of direct sun every day. This will result in good growth and plenty of blooms.


Little Ironweed is not fussy about the growing medium and will grow well in almost all types of soils. This makes it a good choice for gardens with less-than-ideal soil. It can also handle acidic to alkaline pH levels like a champ. For the best flowers, use loamy, sandy, or well-draining soil.


When the plant is young, take care of its watering needs by moistening the growing medium when the topsoil feels a little dry to the touch. Once it is established, it is pretty much drought-tolerant.

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Sahadevi ka Ped Care

Sahadevi ka Ped 2


Sahadevi ka Ped is not a heavy feeder and therefore does not require regular fertilization. Amending the soil with compost before planting is sufficient. You can use a handful of cow dung manure in the growing medium every month to boost flowering.


Snip away dead and damaged stems and flowers from time to time to encourage more flowering. After the first winter, prune the plant a few inches above the ground. This will allow it to grow new and fresh in the next growing season.

Pests and Diseases

The biggest problem you may encounter while growing this plant is soggy soil due to overwatering. If the foliage appears yellow, wilted, and mushy, these are all signs of root rot.

Avoid watering the plant daily and do not wet the foliage. Keep it in plenty of sunlight.

When it comes to pests, this plant is not affected much by them.

Check Out How to Grow Khajur ka Ped here!

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