How to Grow Sindoor Plant | Growing Sindoor ka Paudha

Last Updated: 11.03.2024

Growing Sindoor Plant in the garden is great for both aesthetic appeal. Let’s have a look at how to grow Sindoor ka Paudha.

Growing Sindoor Plant in the garden

Sindoor Plant in English is popular as Annatto, Lipstick Tree, and Arnotta. The plant holds tremendous religious significance in India, so you must grow a Sindoor ka Paudha in your garden!

Sindoor Plant Information

Sindoor ka Paudha belongs to the Bixaceae family. Its seeds are gaining economic importance in recent years as a highly desirable colorant. The ripe fruits of annatto on drying yield annatto seed which serves as the raw material for the production of annatto color. The heart-shaped fruit is brown or reddish brown at maturity and is covered with short, stiff hair.

Sindoor Plant is famous for making chemical ink, coating medicines, drugs, dyeing, food coloring, hair oils, polishes, poultry feed, and much more.

The unique feature of this plant is a dye, which is non-toxic and is mainly used for edible coloring materials like butter, ghee, other milk products, margarine, cheese, vanaspati, chocolates, and cosmetics. It neither affects the color nor the aroma of these products.

Botanical Name: Bixa orellana 

Also Read about Everything about Growing Gokhru ka Paudha

Requirements to Grow Sindoor Plant

Requirements to Grow Sindoor Plant


Being native to the areas of Brazil, Sindoor Plant loves to bask in the sunlight and grows the best in it.  If you want the best flowers and fruits, make sure it gets sunlight for the most part of the day – a minimum of 5-6 hours.

Do not choose a shaded location, as it will stunt the plant’s growth, resulting in fewer or no flowers.


Sindoor ka Paudha is not fussy regarding the growing medium and will thrive in regular garden soil. To boost the growth, you can add cow dung manure and vermicompost in the soil when planting it.


You need to take care of watering when Sindoor Plant is young. As it will mature, it will take care of its own. Till the plant gains a height of 4-5 feet, water only when the topsoil feels a little dry to the touch. Do not water it daily.

Sindoor Plant Care

Sindoor Plant Care


If you have added cow dung manure and compost in the growing medium at the time of planting Sindoor Plant, then don’t worry about feeding it. Alternatively, to boost the growth, you can feed it with a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted to 1/2 of its strength, once a month.

Pests and Diseases

Remove dead, infected, or damaged parts to keep most pests at bay. Spray Neem, Eucalyptus, or Citrus oil for any insect/pest attack as a primary treatment.

Remember not to overwater the plant and do not wet the flowers and leaves; it may cause fungus infection.

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