16 Common Roadside Plants in India

Published on: 21.05.2024

How many of these Common Roadside Plants in India can you recognize? Read on and test your knowledge with our exclusive list!

Road trip in India? Look out the window! You might see some cool plants you already know, like those bright flowers or the tough bushes hanging on in the hot sun. We’ll explore some of the most common roadside plants in India, so next time you’re on a journey, you can be a plant pro!

Common Roadside Plants in India

1. BougainvilleaCommon Roadside Plants in India

Botanical Name: Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea is a tropical plant that thrives in warm climates, which is why it’s such a natural fit for many parts of the country. These flowers flourish in the South and are common along roadsides in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. You’ll also see them on coastal roadsides in Goa and Gujarat.

2. Arka

best Common Roadside Plants in India

Botanical Name: Calotropis gigantea

Arka plants are a common shrub that is grown throughout the country. It can handle heat really well, so you’ll find it in Rajasthan and all the way to the South. But don’t be tempted to grab this plant; it is poisonous. It’s really common in the wild, in backyards, and along roadsides.

3. Agave


Common Roadside Plants

Botanical Name: Agave spp.

Traditionally, Agave wasn’t a super common plant in India. But lately, people are taking notice of how well it handles the dry heat, especially in places like the Deccan Plateau. You might not see it lining roadsides everywhere, but bunches of these are used as fencing in the Deccan region.

4. Ixora

little flower Common Roadside Plants in India

Botanical Name: Ixora coccinea

Ixora is common as the Jungle Flame. This lovely flowering shrub comes from South India, so places like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka are where it thrives naturally. It’s great for Indian homes and you can often see it growing alongside roads and areas that are well-maintained.

5. Skyflower

amazing Common Roadside Plants in India

Botanical Name: Duranta repens

Skyflower plant also grows well in regions that have warm temperatures. Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu are the best places for spotting Skyflowers growing on roadsides.

6. Blue Jacaranda

Common India Wayside Plants

Botanical Name: Jacaranda mimosifolia

Jacaranda is originally from South America, but it’s become a popular ornamental plant across India. Many parks and public gardens love Jacaranda for its beauty. Places like Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Bengaluru also have pockets where you might find them as roadside plants.

7. Bauhinia

Common India Highway Plants

Botanical Name: Bauhinia variegata

Bauhinia plants have beautiful foliage and also give amazing flowers in the spring season. The good news is that Bauhinia is fairly widespread in India. They can handle a variety of climates, from dry and hot to somewhat moist. So, you will see them in many parts and roadsides of the country.

8. Periwinkle

lovely Common India Highway Plants

Botanical Name: Catharanthus roseus

Unlike some of the other common roadside plants we’ve talked about, Periwinkle is actually native to India, well, to parts of India and Sri Lanka. Periwinkle is a popular choice for landscaping because it’s easy to care for and thrives in the Indian heat. So, you have a good chance of spotting Periwinkle-lining roadsides in many parts of the country.

9. Blanketflower

Common India Highway flowering Plants

Botanical Name: Gaillardia

Blanketflower lives up to its name with daisy-like flowers in fiery colors like red, yellow, and orange. They often have a bicolor effect, with contrasting centers and petals. Blanketflowers thrive in warm climates with good sunlight and well-drained soil–that’s why they’re common in modern city roadsides that have warm temperatures.

10. Lantana

Typical Indian The highway Plants

Botanical Name: Lantana camara

Lantana is originally from the Americas, but it was introduced to India as a decorative plant during the British colonial period. The problem is–it likes India a little too much. Lantana thrives in the warm climate and has become what’s called an invasive species. There’s a good chance you might still see it growing wild in some places, especially in disturbed areas or along roadsides where other plants struggle.

Common Roadside Trees in India

11. Neem

Common Roadside Trees in India

Botanical Name: Azadirachta indica

The Neem tree is a true Indian legend. They are fairly tall and leafy, with a distinctive brown bark. The leaves are long and pointed, with a slightly bitter smell. If you see a tree with little yellow fruits hanging from it, that’s likely a Neem, too. Chances are high that you’ll spot a Neem tree on your travels in India. They’re truly everywhere, from rural areas to big cities.

12. Indian Banyan

best Common Roadside Trees in India

Botanical Name: Ficus benghalensis

The Indian Banyan is also the national tree of the country, and for good reason. They are massive and majestic and if you ever visit hills or mountainsides, you’ll see plenty of these. Even along some rural highways because they’re strong, provide shade, and are sturdy.

13. Pride of India

Common Roadside Trees in India

Botanical Name: Lagerstroemia speciosa

Pride of India is known for its lovely flowers that come in spring and summer and bring shades of pink, purple, and white. It is a popular choice for roadside plantings because it’s relatively low-maintenance and thrives in the Indian climate. You’ll also find them gracing gardens, public spaces, and even parking lots.

14. Golden Shower

Common India Roadside  tree

Botanical Name: Cassia fistula

The Golden Shower is a popular choice for lining roadsides in many parts of India, especially in warmer regions. You have a good chance of spotting them. Karnataka, Andhra, and Tamil Nadu have them in abundance. They also love drier areas, so look out along roadsides in Rajasthan or Gujarat.

15. Indian Coral Tree

beautiful Common India Roadside  tree

Botanical Name: Erythrina indica

The eye-catching Indian Coral tree is known for its stunning display of bright red flowers that bloom in clusters. Unlike most trees, the Indian Coral Tree can be leafless for a while. But don’t worry—it’s not dead! It’s just taking a break before putting on a spectacular flower show. They’re common in parks, backyards, hills, and even roadsides. Here’s a guide to help you grow your own.

16. Royal Poinciana

India Roadside  tree

Botanical Name: Delonix regia

The best time to catch the Royal Poinciana in all its glory is during spring. That’s when the fiery red flowers explode onto the scene, making it a real showstopper. It is a popular choice for parks and gardens, but you might also spot them lining roadsides in many parts of the country.

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