How to Grow Albizia Lebbeck | Indian Siris Care

Last Updated: 08.03.2024

The Woman’s Tongue Tree, with its delicate white flowers, speaks about the beauty of nature’s creations. Here’s How to Grow Albizia Lebbeck.

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Albizia Lebbeck, also known as the Woman’s Tongue Tree, is a deciduous tree that belongs to the Fabaceae family. The tree is native to tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia but is now widely cultivated worldwide for its wood, shade, and ornamental value. Here’s all about plants and how to grow them.

Albizia Lebbeck – Key Facts

Name Albizia Lebbeck
Common Names Siris, Indian Siris, East Indian Walnut, Broome Raintree, Lebbeck, Frywood, Koko and Woman’s Tongue Tree
Origin Indian subcontinent and Myanmar
Type Decidious Tree
Indoor/Outdoor Outdoor
Soil Well – Drained
Watering Medium
Temperature 25°C to 35°C
Sunlight Moderate to full sunlight
Flowers White flowers
Blooming Season September to October
Height 60 to 100 Feet

Albizia Lebbeck Information

The tree can grow up to 60 to 100 feet tall with a broad canopy and a straight trunk. Its leaves are compound, with 4-10 pairs of leaflets, and its flowers are small and white and are borne in clusters. The tree produces flattened seed pods that are light brown in color and contain seeds used in traditional medicine for their purported health benefits.

Albizia lebbeck is valued for its wood used for furniture, paper, and construction. Due to its attractive foliage and flowers, the tree is also used as a shade tree and an ornamental plant in landscaping.

Common names for the Albizia Lebbeck in different Indian languages include:

Hindi: शिरीष (Shirish), भांगुली (Bhanguli)
Bengali: শিরিষ (Shirish), ভাংগলি (Bhanguli)
Telugu: సిరిస (Siris)
Marathi: शिरीष (Shirish), शिरस (Shiras)
Tamil: சிரிஸ் (Siris)
Kannada: ಸಿರಿಸು (Sirisu)
Urdu: شیریش (Shirish)


How to Grow Albizia Lebbeck

Albizia Lebbeck is relatively easy to grow from seeds. With these steps, you can grow it from seeds successfully.

  • Collect fresh seeds from mature Indian Siris pods. The seeds should be dark brown or black, with no cracks or holes.
  • Soak them in water overnight to help soften the hard seed coat and aid germination.
  • Indian Siris prefers a well-draining soil mix that is rich in organic matter. Sow the Albizia Lebbeck seeds directly in the soil.
  • When the seedlings reach about 4-6 inches in height, thin them out to about 6-12 inches apart. This will give the remaining seedlings enough room to grow and mature.
  • Once the seedlings are about 6-8 inches tall and have several sets of leaves, you can transplant them to their permanent location in your garden.

Requirements to Grow Albizia Lebbeck

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Albizia lebbeck thrives in full sun and can tolerate partial shade. It prefers direct sunlight for the majority of the day.


The plant grows well in well-drained, sandy, loamy soil rich in organic matter. It can also tolerate slightly alkaline to acidic soil conditions.


Indian Siris requires regular watering, especially during its early growth stages. It can tolerate moderate drought but does not do well in waterlogged soil.


The plant prefers warm, tropical, or subtropical climates. It thrives in warm temperatures. Keep them in temperature range from 25°C to 35°C.

Albizia Lebbeck Care

shutterstock/Emma Grimberg


Albizia Lebbeck benefits from regular fertilization with a balanced fertilizer. Use organic fertilizers such as compost and manure. A slow-release fertilizer with a balanced NPK ratio is suitable.


Pruning is done to shape the tree and remove dead or damaged branches. It is advisable to prune during the dormant season to encourage vigorous growth in the following spring.

Pests and Diseases

Albizia lebbeck is relatively pest and disease-resistant. But scale insects, termites, and leaf spots can affect them.

Regular inspection and removal of affected plant parts and organic pest and disease control methods can help prevent and manage these issues.

Uses of Albizia lebbeck Plant

  • Medicinal Uses: The bark of Indian Siris is employed for medicinal purposes, providing remedies for various ailments.
  • Wood for Construction: The wood obtained from Indian Siris is utilized in construction activities and tool making.
  • Ornamental Value: The plant is valued for its ornamental beauty, making it a popular choice in landscaping projects.
  • Versatile Applications: Indian Sirisserves a dual role, contributing to traditional medicine practices and finding practical applications in construction and aesthetics.

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