7 Best Guava Varieties in India

Last Updated: 30.04.2024

Have you tasted all of these Guava Varieties in India? We’ve got all the info on the ones you should try and how to identify them!

There are many popular Guava Varieties with different shapes and sizes that will make your mouth water! The best part? You can grow them in both gardens and pots!

Best Guava Varieties

1. Allahabadi Safeda

These guava varieties are the most famous ones grown in the country and have large, round fruits and sweet, white flesh on the inside. They’re also used in juices and jams and are mostly grown in Uttar Pradesh.

2. Sardar

Sardar guavas, also called Lucknow 49, are high-yielding varieties with a pear-like shape. They can be identified by their greenish-yellow skin and white, sweet flesh.

3. Lalit

Compared to other ones, Lalit guavas are a bit smaller but have sweet, pink flesh inside. They are versatile and can be grown across the country’s tropical and subtropical zones. 

4. Dhareedar

Dhareedar are named so because they are oblong fruits with a rough texture on the outside. However, they’re light pink inside and really juicy and tasty. 

5. Arka Mridula

Arka Mridula

It’s a hybrid guava variety with a large size, yellow skin, and creamy flesh. They were developed using Allahabad Safeda varieties by the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research.

Fun Fact: The IIHR is located in Bangalore and has developed more pink-fleshed guava varieties–Arka Kiran and Arka Rashmi. 

6. Banarasi

Banarasis are a light parrot green color on the outside with creamy white flesh. They’re rich in Vitamin C and have thick skin. You can also grow them easily. 

7. Chittidar

Chittidar guavas are just like Safedas, which is why they’re also called Allahabadi Chittidar. You can identify these by the pink-red dots on their skin. 

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