How to Grow Ridge Gourd in India | Growing Turai

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Growing Turai is quite simple and you can do it easily in pots and garden. Let’s have a detailed look at How to Grow Ridge Gourd in India and enjoy its fresh harvest at home!

How to Grow Ridge Gourd in India

Member of the cucumber family, ridge gourd is a green vegetable with ridges on its outer skin. It is quite a popular vegetable in India and people prepare it in a variety of ways. If you want to relish its fresh harvest, then have a look at How to Grow Ridge Gourd in India.

Botanical Name: Luffa acutangula

Hindi Names: Turai, Sirola, Heerakai, Beerakaya, Dodka

Learn How to Grow Snake Gourd in India Here

How to Grow Ridge Gourd?

You can grow ridge gourds from seeds by sowing them in soil rich in organic matter. Water well and make sure they get plenty of bright and indirect light. They will germinate in 3-4 weeks.

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Growing Requirements of Ridge Gourd



The plant does best in 4-5 hours of direct sunlight every day. Avoid growing it in a shaded location as it will result in little or no fruits.


Water well whenever the topsoil feels a bit dry to touch. This plant does best when the growing medium is slightly moist all the time but you also have to make sure that you are not watering the plant daily.


Ridge gourd grows best in the warm tropical climate of India. The most optimum temperature for its growth is between 20-35 C.


Use well-draining soil enriched with organic matter. For best growth, use sandy-loamy soil amended with organic matter and a pH between 6 and 7.

Know 11 Different Types of Gourd in India Here

Taking Care of Ridge Gourd

How to Grow Ridge Gourd in India 2


Use aged cow dung manure or compost from time to time. You can also go for a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half of its strength, once in 4-5 weeks.


Ridge gourd requires support to grow and climb. Use bamboo sticks or poles to stop the plant from drooping.

Learn How to Grow Pointed Gourd Here

Pests and Diseases

Ridge gourd is prone to beetles, fruit flies, and caterpillars. Use a neem oil solution to get rid of them.

The plant is also susceptible to downy and powdery mildew. Avoid overwatering to keep these diseases at bay.

Learn How to Grow Ash Gourd Here

Harvesting Ridge Gourd

Harvest gourds between 50-60 days from the date of planting. When they are ready to be harvested, the stems become brown and start to dry a bit. Do not pull them from the plant as it will damage the stems – use a knife to cut them cleanly.


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